Numerology for 11/19/2023
11/19/2023 is the number 19
1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 19
1 + 9 = 10
This number 10 brings us to a new beginning. One that intends to bring more power and might to what is right.
Today, turn the tide for yourself.
In doing that, you can make a huge difference for others. I believe that energetically we are all in a giant vacuum tube with each other and when one of shifts, each of us become pulled along with those small shifts from others. If we want the world to change, then we need to change.
Today is a day when those changes can become more effortless and peaceful. Some moments are very difficult to change but today the road ahead is paved and clear. That is why today, put the pedal to the metal and give a bit of gas to your engine. You have a clear stretch in front of you. So, let’s use it and make some great progress while we can.
Progress is necessary right now because so much is telling us that we must change.
Without our willingness to drastically change we are going to make our world into something that can no longer sustain us.
~Suzanne Wagner~