Weekly Astrology for January 26-February 1, 2025
If you notice that you are still holding onto the leash to the hopes and dreams of your past self, it is time to drop that leash and let it all go. If it is not already crystal clear, Mercury has shot the starting gun, and we are now in a race for our new lives as it ignites in Aquarius.
We have a New Moon this week and Uranus in Taurus comes out of retrograde and now the momentum is going to build in ways that we could not fathom.
The best news this week will be that Venus and Neptune will conjunct in Pisces and if you know how to embrace the unknown, it could show you the magic you have been missing.
January 26th, the Moon goes into Capricorn
This morning as we emerge from our soft cocoons, the Moon will shift out of Sagittarius and into Capricorn. Optimism is replaced by determination, and we recognize that we will need the cold and hard facts to make headway in our lives. It is time to put our feet on the ground and begin walking our path. Do not let others dissuade you from moving in your personal direction. If this astrology is teaching us anything, it is that we cannot wait for others to be ready for what we have to offer. We just have to move in the direction that our heart tells us and follow our own personal flow rather than the mentality of the herd instinct that wants to be mindless and numb.
January 27th, Mercury goes into Aquarius
Mercury is the god that can go from heaven to hell and back and not get injured. Mercury is that electrified energy that is the mind as it seeks new ways to do things and wants to embrace new thoughts that will allow us to move forward quickly. As it is in another air sign of Aquarius and Pluto (the planet of death, rebirth, transformation and change) is also going to radically alter our reality, tear it down, and rebuild it from the ground floor up, These two planets combine to make things move rapidly forward at a dizzying pace. You may feel as if you are racing to try to catch up with everything happening and we will have to begin to question everything that we thought we knew and believed.
January 28th, Moon goes into Aquarius
The Aquarius energy is on fire. Movement is the key, rapid change is at hand and will continue to move us emotionally along this new trajectory that is in front of us. The challenge is that we are on a ride that we do not know where it leads and what the end result will look like. Just know that along the way we will have moments to make adjustments if there is enough trauma that will finally force willingness. We are here to look past what we thought, believed, perceived, and considered.
January 29th, New Moon in Aquarius, Mercury will conjunct with Pluto
The deep work of the self is never really done. At least not as long as you have a body and are caught in the karmic games of manifestation on this earth. Pluto in Aquarius wants to radically take control. Pluto intends to show what is deeply underlying many things that we had in question. The action in the astrology is all around decisive steps. You may like them, or you may hate them but it will not matter because now we have to deal with them.
We are moving along an eccentric path and the future is in the process of being created. The focus is on the individual wants of the people and to dreaming up inventive things that will allow us to move in our lives more fluidly through technology. This gives us fuel to express our ideas and desires and dive deep inside our own being that wants to understand ourselves and uncover a hidden gift that is finally ready to be offered.
The potential for tremendous insight into the deepest and darkest places inside and outside is at hand. What was once hidden is now going to be in full view.
For those that have absurd ideas, now is the time to give them some energy and give them a try. The path is open for the bizarre and perhaps one of the crazy ideas will be just what the world is ready for. What is clear is that now there is nothing to lose. The doors have all been flung wide open and there are no more excuses. It is time to leap and give things a try.
This New Moon in Aquarius is all about liberating the soul. Notice there are zero restrictions around that. Notice that there is a permission that do what feels right. The problem will come in from those that want to lash out and cause pain and suffering to those already marginalized and in fear. Remember, to think of the consequences for your soul in the long run. Think of the impact that you will have on another as you desperately believe you get to express your feelings and individuality.
January 30th, Uranus will come out of retrograde
For five months Uranus was holding us back. For five months there has been an undercurrent of tension and anxiety. Today, Uranus leaps forward and it can feel as if there is a blanket invitation for individuals to leap onto the train of change. What is calling to you at this time? What is unfolding that you now feel compelled to work towards. Nothing is holding you back. It may feel as if you need to just take a breath, close your eyes, say a prayer and leap.
January 31st, Moon moves into Pisces
The Moon in Pisces can make the sensitive souls feel as if they are feeling overwhelmed and as if there is just too much going on. Some may want to hide or tune out. Some may want to escape into nature and reconnect to the vital life force energies that feed their soul. What is clear is that there is a lot of information coming in quickly and for some it just feels too much. Be patient with others and be very kind to yourself. Many are unsure as to what is their next step or choice. It can feel emotionally scary to be in this world today.
February 1st, Venus will conjunct Neptune
Venus loves love. Neptune holds open a doorway that is about activating our dreams, and becoming whole through the expressions of art and music. Together they have some new and exciting ways to see what is happening. What is clear is that the goal is to bring more magic back into the mix. We want to feel as if when we open, that the magic is right there waiting for our willingness and longing.
What is clear this week is that the liberation of the individuals is exploding into the reality. We may not be quite ready for it all, but we are going to have to learn how to move with all the chaos. Just know that the old patterns are obsolete and inadequate to deal with this much rapid change. You are going to have to rely on your intuition, your magic, and your insight to stay awake as all this reconfigures our reality. We may not know what we are creating but we are creating change for sure.
~Suzanne Wagner~