August 1, 2024

Astrology for August 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 1, 2024Categories: Astrology Monthly

Astrology For August 2024

Here we go. One of the most intense months is finally here. The electricity is in the air just like before a big storm that wants to plow through our reality.

You know that feeling you get before a storm? That feeling of prickles on your skin and the electricity is causing the hair on your arms to stand up? If you are feeling that, then you are in the center of the storm and that is the correct place to be. Those on the fringe will get hammered by the upcoming winds and chaos. Stay in the center of the storm and you will weather it with less trauma and drama.

The big culprit for this moment is (of course) Pluto at zero degrees as it retrogrades backwards into Capricorn on September 1st. This puts this powerful planet in opposition to the power of the Leo Sun at a critical degree and retrograde. Pluto is not just asking for change but demanding it.

Add to that, Juno (an asteroid), the Roman Goddess of Marriage and the Protector of Women, connects positively to the relationship sign of Libra on August 9th. Seems the Goddess is out in full force and is going to lower the boom on the active patterns that are trying to tear down the feminine. This energy will now be directly challenged and she will refuse the poison that certain people in power are serving.

On a personal note, love affairs might suddenly move deeper than anticipated. Remember, to nurture those you love and do your best to do those things that open love.

While some astrologers out there want to pacify the intensity of what is happening out there, know that this month, with Mercury going retrograde in Leo (starting August 4th till August 28th), that this is just one of the many challenging patterns this month. Because of this pattern connecting to the Pluto opposition, the technical snafus are going to be shocking and distressing for some. Back up that computer now. Don’t get mad if people are late or delayed. It is not personal. The overwhelm during these weeks is real and going to put everyone through their paces. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Manage your time well and know that feeling overwhelmed is going to be happening.

Also on August 4th, Venus will move into Virgo and that is a reminder to take things one day at a time. Because we also have a New Moon that day as well. Perhaps a moment of pampering is in order. There are many things that will need to be handled but with so much happening astrologically, the 4th is the day to step back and away from things. The prescription is rest … not more stress.

August 19th, there is a Full Moon in Aquarius. For some this might feel like getting a shot of adrenaline in your heart. There is a reason that the police departments and hospitals double the staff before, during, and after Full Moons. These are times of magnified intensity, and the emotions have a tendency to boil over. I am most concerned politically around this Full Moon. Besides it is also close to the end of the Leo Sun time, and the power of this Sun could be explosive.

By the time we move into Virgo on August 22nd, we are trying to catch up on things and focus less on others and more on ourselves.

The asteroids are very active this month and towards the end of the month it will intensify. Vesta will go into Virgo, demanding that we find a better balance between our ambitions and our desires. We need to focus on our home because those we love are what we will need to depend upon the most in difficult times.

Then on August 26, Ceres (another archetype of the feminine, motherhood, and agriculture) comes out of retrograde in Capricorn. Let’s just say that the women of the world are not messing around anymore. The feminine voice is going to be loud and strong in a way that goes beyond the material reality and into the demand that the creative forces of the feminine need to be honored and respected. It is a moment of spiritual awakening for the feminine to rise up and take back what is rightfully theirs.

Venus will move into its home sign of Libra on August 29th, and we are feeling empowered and more blessed. The forces of change will have hit a new stride and just know that there will be a powerful trajectory as we all move into September.

Enjoy the storm of change that is August. Hang onto that Lions mane firmly but don’t pull out those hairs, the lion will not be pleased.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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