August 3, 2024

Astrology for the Week of August 4-10, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 3, 2024Categories: Astrology Weekly - Free

Astrology for the Week of August 4-10, 2024


August is filled with the fury of a firestorm that is going to drastically alter our reality. While we can think about this literally with the powerful fires out west that I hope to calm down, but I am thinking more about a passionate wave of fire from the feminine that has ignited and is going to be unstoppable as it decides to completely alter our reality in ways that we cannot completely see right now but will unfold over the next two decades.

Powerful forces are shifting. There is a New Moon on August 4th, and Venus will go into Virgo making our expressions of love practical and more honest in our communications. Then Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo but will back up into Leo over the next few days. And the Moon will go into Virgo. Best to hold off on any big decisions as we are not sure exactly where we stand or if we are standing on anything solid. But it is perfect for listening to which way the flows are going and to follow that sound over the thoughts in the mind.

The New Moon in Leo packs a powerful punch. But a punch that is leveled at those that have crossed the line and now are going to get forces of the feminine Leo power coming straight at them. This month is a month for the women of the world to unite and find a voice that is coming up from the deepest well of their being. This New Moon is very compassionate, nurturing, and bringing a new voice to compassions expressions in our world. This New Moon wants everyone to feel safe and secure. We want to feel as if our world and our country is our home. To do that we need to make changes so that all will feel safe.
What this Moon wants is the solitude and safety of quiet in a world where those with the biggest egos are the loudest and most obnoxious.
This powerful feminine Moon is officially finished with such insanity. This Moon makes us listen not to the words but to our hearts. It is our hearts that are inspiring us to speak and act in accordance with what is right and where our values are. This week that voice is going to be loud and strong. And weak men will wither in the face of such powerful and determined voices speaking as one.

Venus goes into Virgo on August 4th, bringing a desperately needed human touch to things that matter. We are attuning to the needs of our bodies and our hearts. We see that both are directly connected to this earth and that we cannot be whole and healthy if we do not create our world also being whole and healthy. Life is a very sacred expression of a soul’s journey in the domains of time. We are finally beginning to treat it with more respect and honor. Venus is a goddess of Love and Virgo is the goddess Demeter. Both are essential in the creation of propagation of life on this planet. Until we see all life as sacred, we will not be able to transcend this density to evolve into the next wonderful adventure.

Mercury goes retrograde on August 5th. And we have been feeling it slow down as it stations in the sky preparing all of us to back up and rethink a few things. This backwards motion is at first in Virgo … but it will eventually on August 14, move into Leo … and this makes us look at things very differently. Wisdom can be gathered up and better integrated as we have the time and the patience to look rather than just leap.
For the next few days, we are refining the details in our life that need our attention. The small things make life magical and beautiful. Pay attention to those things and you will discover that you have more power from those things creating a loop of energy that is coming back to you.
This retrograde makes us not want any more incessant noise. We want to come back to our own center and not need to constantly adjust to others.

August 7th, Mercury will conjunct Venus. This Mercury retrograde backs up and bumps into Venus. Nothing like a bit of Venus’s balancing and diplomatic skills to charm the socks right off of someone’s feet.
We can put this to very good use if we are paying attention to the flows of energy. When we allow harmony to lead us rather than fear, we see everything in a whole new light. Slow down, let this energy grab you and bring you into a place of acceptance and honest clarity. Compassion is the road. Reflection is the task. And acceptance is the gift.

On August 10th, the Moon will go into Scorpio and that might be of an intense day. I expect something dramatic to unfold. We are learning that releasing and changing is enlivening and easier than anticipated. The fears of the past around speaking up and needing to be appropriate … have officially gone out the window. Clarity of mind supports the newly defined unified purpose. What lies ahead is clearly an unknown, but it does not matter because for us personally, we now know that our course is clear, we are on the right path, and we feel ready to be fully who we are without any apologies.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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