July 27, 2024

Astrology for the Week of July 28-August 3, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 27, 2024Categories: Astrology Weekly - Free

Astrology for the Week of July 28-August 3, 2024


Who is inside that continues to beat your heart? What is the wisdom that you carry that you also came to share? These are the questions this week because when we know who we are deep inside, then it is easy to give the gifts that we have inside. It allows us to see and believe that those things will have value to this world.

Take a moment to recognize that intrinsic value that is inside your being and know that offering that up, gives more hope to this world.

July 29th, the Moon will enter Gemini and we shift even more into the elements of air, expansion, and progression. This will continue to be the trend with Jupiter (also in Gemini) and Pluto being in Aquarius. Air accentuates the massive expansions in our mind that will continue to be required for the next two decades. Those that hold antiquated, outdated, rigid perspectives and beliefs will find themselves on the losing side of the arguments. Life is about change. Change in ideas, change in perspective, and change in approach. We are in a massive time of change, and we are all going to have to learn to adapt in order to keep up.

July 30th, Venus in Leo will trine to Chiron in Aries. There is a powerful force happening between the fire elements and the air elements. This is at the base of much of the volatility in our world currently because the north node is also in Aries. As Chiron points out the lessons we are learning around our wounding, and that is about the expression of our individuality, it is clear that some believe that their voices should be heard over others.

But that is not the way this aspect is supposed to work. We are here to discover who we are and what is the wisdom we carry. Then we are here to share it with the world, not use it as a club to beat others into submission. The North Node is about what our purpose is and how that purpose shapes us and helps us refine who and what we are. This North Node calls for us to find a more authentic place to stand. One that shows courage in the face of conflict.

It wants to say loud and clear, “I am here!” And “I matter!” In this case, what has become clear, is that it is the voices of women, people of color, and those whose rights are being stripped away (LGBTQ) that are showing all of us where the imbalances are. Every soul wants freedom, independence, and acceptance. The question is, “Do we have the courage to say “yes” to yourself but to also allow others to say “yes” at the same time?”

A culture is truly free when it allows each person to have the same freedoms as others. That is how we achieve an active peaceful world.

So much Aries energy can make it feel like one needs to fight for space to just be. While the Libra South Node tries to show us that it is important to have diplomatic solutions to difficult problems.

Take a look at if you sold out your individuality to follow someone else? Look if you are promoting hate over supporting ways to find balanced acceptance.

We cannot heal if we are unwilling to compromise. Healing is about balance not about winning.

What is clear is that we are attempting to change the toxic, old, patriarchal, mindset. Everything happening is an invitation to move past the familiar and to find new ways that are more tolerant and inclusive.

Do not let the selfishness of too much Aries make you lack compassion for others who might happen to be in more desperate places. You can be your individual self and recognize that the rights of others are being taken away and then help fight for them with your personal power and determination. What is clear is that one individual cannot truly be free if everyone is also not given that same chance.

Chiron has begun its retrograde motion, and we are being asked to dive deep inside and find what will support us in moving towards what will heal our world … not harm it more.

With Venus in Leo at the perfect 120 degrees, there is a flow towards us longing for more harmony and a newfound willingness to fight for what is right.

While Chiron might feel like a bitter pill to swallow, Venus is that spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down.
What is clear is that we need to heal something inside us first. Only then will we have the tools and wisdom to help others also find their way to wholeness.

This aspect is a call that each of us carry medicine and wisdom for others. Now is the time to find the courage to offer it.

August 1st, the Moon will go into family focused Cancer, and we prioritize around those most important to us. We long for the love and connection that only family can hold for us. Sometimes it is family that is the safe space for us to ground and grow. Remember to tell them how much you love and appreciate them. Because we never know what will come around later.

On August 2nd Uranus in Taurus will square to Venus in Leo. This is where the tension will begin to mount and move into ever accelerated places causing reactions that may shock and surprise. The entire month of August is tension filled with Pluto retrograding backwards towards Capricorn on September 1st. As Pluto dances on the edge of a knife at zero degree’s … the opposition to Leo will inflame some to new levels of dysfunction. Rational actions begin to go out the window and we will begin to see a side of people that will shock and dismay.

That adds to the Uranus/Venus square. I would hope it to inspire some to new levels of creative insight and inspiration. For others it may cause explosions of emotions that have been smoldering and festering in their unresolved wounding. We are entering into a dangerous time where there will be some that want to take things into their own hands … while others are determined to come from a more collaborative position.

Make sure you choose wisely this week.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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