June 30, 2024

This Week in Astrology – Astrology for the Week of June 30-July 6, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 30, 2024Categories: Astrology Weekly - Free

This Week in Astrology – Astrology for the Week of June 30-July 6, 2024

As you can imagine there is a lot going on in the astrological world this week.
As I spoke about in the Daily Astrology, the Moon going into Taurus puts things into a more realistic perspective. We crave realness not more insanity. We crave security not chaos.

Pluto will be retrograde till October 11, 2024 and in that process it will back up into Capricorn for one final hit on September 1-November 19th. That drags us back into that chaos and karmic trauma/drama from the past many years as Pluto in Capricorn since 2008 had been trying to show us that the old ideas are antiquated and do not work. It has been trying to teach us that we need to stop dragging our heels and be much more proactive (Pluto in Aquarius). The good news is that Pluto in Aquarius will win no matter what. This cycle will last almost 20 years … until 2043. So, all of us will have to change. It will have a powerful and profound impact on us because we are now officially … permanently … in the Aquarian Age of Enlightenment and Humanitarian Change. And that is a very good thing.

Saturn just went retrograde on the 29th of this month and while Saturn tends to hold a big stick over our head reminding us that we are running out of time (Saturn is Father Time), it feels as if we are carrying a heavy burden and that we are feeling tired and exhausted by the seemingly never-ending effort. The good news is that Saturn tends to hold people accountable. Especially when it turns retrograde. Saturn retrograde is that planet that allows us to recognize that perhaps we might need a little help figuring out everything that is happening. Sometimes that requires us to seek out a therapist to help us understand our actions and choices and why we feel the way we are feeling. For others, it might be a school counselor that helps us figure out the right steps, classes and focus for the upcoming school year. And for others, it will ask us to seek inward to look at the teachings of those wiser than us. Such as; Buddhism, gurus, and spiritual teachers.
What is happening is that we need someone outside ourselves to help explain why there is so much drama in our lives and how to stop it. This Saturn retrograde is an opportunity to change the course, speed, intention, and direction of our life. A Saturn retrograde gives us a good swift kick to wake us up, so that we are finally ready to deal with what is. Sometimes we need the insight of others to get us to push ahead and to give us the courage to not give up.
Saturn in Pisces puts many pieces into perspective because it points out the obvious that we are not in control of many things. But control will not give us peace. The unknown beacons us to move out of these profound states of discomfort and towards having the courage to redefine our own spiritual truths. The doorway through the density is always peace, releasing, and accepting that something must come to an end. Because Saturn is in Pisces this can be a time when we feel discombobulated and confused. The dirt (Saturn) in the water (Pisces) has made things very murky and hard to see. But this retrograde will give the water a chance to settle and for us to evolve our sight and insight into a way that we can finally begin to see through the murkiness and find clarity. We are being asked to let go of our old ideals and that does not mean giving up but instead finding a new way to fight. In order to find the way to move forward … we will have to do the hard shadow work. Most do not have the determination to work towards more self-awareness. They rely on the false stories on the internet to validate their biases. Those unwilling to uncover their own shadow will actively lash out with that shadow when Saturn retrograde will square to Jupiter on August 19th. Add too that, on September 18th there will be a Solar Eclipse also in Pisces forcing all of us to recognize that the time has come for us to fully cut away from certain people in our lives. The full break from our past upsets and traumatic dysfunction will come on September 25th, when Pluto will semi-square to Saturn retrograde. This Saturn retrograde will have a profound impact on our personal and social lives over the next many months. So, let go of the fear and know that those old ideals are actually no longer viable in this reality.

And like that was not enough … Neptune will go into retrograde on July 2nd . It will be there until December 7th, 2024. So, we are all feeling another planet shifting all of us into reverse so that we must reflect on our choices and actions and how they are impacting our disposition, mood, and emotional state.
Neptune is a magical and mysterious planet. It inspires our dreams and pulls us out of our mind and into deep places of feeling. It is a planet that has inspired great art, poetry, writing, movies, and love. The problem is that with a Neptune retrograde we feel more out of touch and as if we are far away from our highest spiritual self. This retrograde will reveal everything that has been hidden and that we did not want to address.

Mercury will go into Leo on July 2nd, 2024, and it is a powerful movement towards embracing everything that we need to learn and taking back the reins from the power that we had given away to others. This shift of Mercury will help us find a new way to express who we are and what really matters to us. Suddenly we feel a forceful passion and we will not be able to keep our mouths shut. We are passionate about what is happening, and we feel good about what needs to be said and are willing to say it fully until it shifts into Virgo on July 25th.

Mercury will oppose Pluto on July 3rd, 2024, and it seems that our conscious mind (Mercury) and our unconscious self (Pluto) are in a battle of wits. Oddly, these two are just what we need. It will promote a much better potential and bridge the gaps that have been blocking our progress. When we fear what others will say or think of us … that fear is pointing out that in allowing that fear to control our words, actions, and choices, we are (in reality) afraid of ourselves.

On July 5th, 2024, we enter into a New Moon in Cancer. Our deepest heart arrives just in the nick of time because the power of the New Moon intends to listen to all our requests. The bigger question is if we are willing to be open enough for a gift to arrive that will help us find a new balance inside and outside. I like to think of a New Moon as a naked woman taking a dip in the pond in the darkness. It is in the safety of the darkness that we find the courage to dive into the deep waters of self and become reborn.
Honestly it would be a great idea to do that very thing and allow us to be cleansed from the energies of the past and infused with new inspiration, magic, and intuitive insight. In the darkness we can reclaim and find our own powerful inner light. We are emptied in order to be open enough to find what is our next journey to fill our soul. Enjoy this week of powerful healing and transformation.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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