Weekly Astrology for January 19-25, 2025
This week we enter into the time of Aquarius. Expansion is the name of the game. But as the mind is asked to open, so too we are being invited into a deeper place in our core. The underworld is calling out to each of us. What that means for us personally is that a new exploration is at hand.
Pluto (the God of the Underworld) and Mercury (the God that can go from heaven to hell and back and not get injured) will conjunct this Aquarian Sun. Then they oppose to the Mars retrograde and let’s just say that we are all being shoved off the cliff of the old reality and we are actively being asked to transform aspects of our deepest self to change.
January 19th, The Moon goes into Libra and the Sun goes into Aquarius
Two powerful air elements engage and bring us to a new level of perspective. The elements of air activate us, and everything is going to rapidly speed up. The reality is that we are on this ride and will not be given an option to get off anytime soon. So, keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle and make sure your seatbelts are fastened snug against your hips.
What is clear is that we are going to be moving from a much more innovative place and people have decided that currently our personal freedom of expression is more important than anything. Believe it or not, this is going to show us how eventually we can connect back to the whole. But for now, it is going to look and feel very self-indulgent with those in power wanting to get everything they want, and they do not care about how it feels to others. Unfortunately, this is often the process that is necessary for radical shifts to happen in our world.
Since everyone is in the same place with an equal opportunity to do what they want … you might as well embrace your own individuality and finally not care one bit about what others think about it. It is time to explore and let go of all those fears and mental patterns that allowed you to constrict and try to make yourself small. It is time to be not just big but huge!
No one gets to tell you how to live your life from this point on. Yes, the pressure is on because it is going to be completely up to you. No one is out there (like a government) to help you now. The world wanted a massive change and now we are going to get one. While it is not going to look like you thought, what you can control is how you are going to utilize this moment and give yourself permission to be who is really inside you now.
January 21st, The Moon goes into Scorpio and the Sun will conjunct Pluto also in Aquarius
The Moon in Scorpio makes there feel as if a powerful, dark undercurrent is in motion. You are not wrong about that feeling. While we cannot change it, it is wise to remain vigilant around such types of powerful forces, so we know when and how we are being manipulated. Only with awareness will we feel as if we have any semblance of choice. That ability to choose is because one sees the pattern coming and can have a secondary plan to move out of the way of those forces that threaten our solvency.
With the Sun in Aquarius, our soul seeks to find a new form of expression. But one that is more honest and authentic. To do that, there will be many configurations we will need to try. Know that we will attempt certain things that will not work but eventually we will find the thing that does work.
Pluto is the God of the Underworld. He is the God of death, rebirth, transformation, and change. The sign of Aquarius is all about change. The question is, “What is the liberation that such a change will require of us.”
Pluto is just beginning its cycle and as I said above, the first step is death of the old way. To say it is going to get messy is an understatement. If we do not know or have connection to our own inner darkness, we cannot fully embrace the light that we truly are. Something deep inside is asking to be known and brought into the light. Remember as this pattern continues to unfold that it is going to be important to know where you have safety physically and emotionally.
January 23rd, Mercury in Capricorn will oppose Mars in Cancer
Seems our emotions are at odds with our more practical and logical side. It feels like a see-saw inside. Our left brain wants to just allow what is coming … to come and thinks that it has the ability to rationally and logically deal with it. But the opposition with Mars in Cancer, indicates that our right brain would beg to differ. We feel as if we are being asked to really take a hard and honest look at our past self, our foundational years, and the conclusions that we came to back then that now seem to no longer have any place in this world or any validity. That can feel quite shocking.
One part wants to wait and see, the other part wants to run and hide. It is tricky to stay in the center, observing both sides and calmly generating some new plans that will allow us to respect our feelings, address the greater needs, and to plan ahead in a way that is not reactive but still very active.
We are learning to allow our feelings to support these new plans that are unfolding. We need to let our intuitive side be heard … minus the fear and reactivity. The safety we need to feel first is within our own self. We need to know that regardless of what happens that we trust ourselves to find a new way through. That calms down the nervous system and allows for a more reasonable course of action.
January 24th, The Moon goes into Sagittarius
Today, we embrace the great, big, wild world out there. We see what lies ahead as an adventure that we are now required to take. We are in those first steps and while they may feel shaky, those steps must be taken and the further away from our old reality we go, the more confident we will also feel. An adventure awaits and it is calling our name. The process of not knowing the outcome is not a bad thing. In fact, that can be part of the thrill of it all.
The word, adventure means to embrace the unknown. To challenge yourself. And to desire to discover parts about yourself that you did not know you needed or even wanted.
This week, embrace a more selfish part of who you are. It is time to make yourself the priority and not worry about what society will think about your choices and actions.
Liberation requires that you have a stronger curiosity than your fear. Powerful evolution is at hand. You are along for the ride. So, we can take the steps to embrace it or contract and close our eyes in fear.
My suggestion is to keep your eyes-wide open, make sure your seatbelt is securely fastened, and keep your arms and hands inside the vehicle at all times … at least until you know what is coming.
~Suzanne Wagner~