Weekly Astrology for March 23-29, 2025
This week we feel the push and pull between Pisces and Aries. Neptune is getting ready to end of its journey in Pisces on the 31st, when it will move into Aries. But be prepared for a retrograde that will back up for one final hit from October 23, 2025, through January 27, 2026.
And we are moving towards Saturn also shifting out of Pisces in May of this year. Starting the end of this month, we are going to have 4 outer planets shift signs between the 31st of March and July 8th. Not to mention the other faster moving planets also shifting.
That is a lot of energy unfolding, so we might as well decide to surrender now and recognize that we sit at the threshold of a new existence.
What is clear is that everything in our world is going to be redefined and seen in new light. The only way to be ready is to be completely open and ride the waves of change that will not be stopped. Besides, “Resistance is Futile.”
Get ready! We have only just begun!
March 24th, Mercury is in a Cazimi with Aries and the Moon will go into Aquarius.
It will appear to us that Mercury enters into the heart of the Sun in Aries. This brings us new insights and helps us become more intimately aware of what makes us tick inside. Awareness comes in waves and powerful moments of clarity. This could be one of them for you if you are willing to be open and allow a truth that was rejected previously to finally filter in. For some it is time to “fess up”.
For others it is a moment when we look at our thoughts and how they create our reality.
The good news is if one is ready to move into truth, it will give new confidence and courage to those that are willing to be brave and bold and move into the unknown.
The Aquarius Moon gives us an incentive to at least consider the new options. It shows where we have been locked in a pattern and unwilling to change. Now, for many the change is too much but it came about this way because of believing in things that were not true or valid. Now the change is going to be more difficult and painful because of those walls that one built up with their beliefs.
March 26th, the Moon goes into Pisces
The Moon in Pisces makes things even more emotional and upsetting for some. For others they may finally see past the veils of illusion within their own mind. The gut feelings are so strong that one may have to admit that the strain of maintaing false things and beliefs has finally become too hard to hold and too heavy to bear.
March 27th, Venus shifts retrograde into Pisces once again
Venus (the goddess) seems to want to take a dip into the mysterious and sacred waters of Pisces. She seems to want to rejuvenate and be refreshed. We long for stillness and quiet. We seek not to change the world but to change ourselves. Our hearts need a moment to regroup and to come back to the love that is so very important and essential for sanity and clarity. It is time to release patterns of unworthiness and to see that in the compassion of our heart, our true light and beauty can finally be seen. This is a time to listen rather than talk.
March 28th, the Moon moves into Aries
With the Moon going into Aries, there is no more time to waste. It is time to get going on all those ideas and move us out of the stagnant patterns of fear and into the ways that are proactive and unwilling to settle for anything less.
March 29th, the New Moon Solar Eclipse and the retrograde Mercury goes into Pisces
While we just had Venus shift signs while it was in retrograde … now Mercury is doing the same.
In this retrograde, we are questioning a lot of things, and we find that our thoughts are being inspired by our emotions. It is time to see what has been hidden from us and to speak what we discovered so that others can also see it. This is a great moment to pay attention to your dreams. Something from deep inside is attempting to get your attention. The conscious and unconscious minds are attempting to merge and integrate into new ways.
The earlier Lunar Eclipse was a humdinger but this one today is not without punch. It is acting to push us and to actively interrupt patterns that used to be our safety nets and force us to see the collapse that is unfolding. Everything in our life will have to be recalibrated. Think of it like relying on the electrical grid … to now moving everything in your house to solar. There are many steps required to make that happen. Many systems will have to change to allow that to be successful and stand the tests of time.
The New Moon in Aries intends to catalyze us into a new domain. It intends to collapse many things and force us to move in a new direction. It is trying to activate our desires and passions and move them into actions that allow for inspired moments that come from our creative and intuitive side that want to move out of the realms of dreams and into the worlds of manifestation.
We are in a moment where there will be much asked of us over the next 6 months. This week sets the stage for what is yet to come and what is not yet clear. It is important to see the sacred in all things … even this moment. It is important to see that this was what it was going to take to open closed hearts and minds. It is important to see who and how our foundations were eroded away bit by bit, piece by piece. It is important for those that contributed to this reality to finally feel the burden of karma that they have taken on.
Listen to your heart and follow the promptings of spirit that are calling you to awaken to your highest self. Recognize that you are being tested to see if you will rise to this moment in time. Without such moments we cannot find our own personal, moral center. Without these times, we cannot remember what is really important. We are being asked to reconsider what we used to believe was our identity. We are being asked to strip away attachments to those that only cause more harm and suffering. We are being asked to allow something very new to unfold.
~Suzanne Wagner~