October 13, 2024

Weekly Astrology for October 13-19, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 13, 2024Categories: Astrology Weekly - Free

Weekly Astrology for October 13-19, 2024

This is a week that will set a new tone. It is a week to expect surprises in ways that we could have never anticipated. Are you ready for what may come? Batton down the hatches and get ready. So, here we go. Integrating everything that is about to unfold is going to be a personal challenge of epic proportions.

October 13th, Mercury goes into Scorpio and the Moon goes into sensitive Pisces

There is a lot of water going on. Because of that our feelings are rising like waves in a hurricane. Waters are rough and the winds are increasing with Jupiter in Gemini and us moving once again towards Pluto in Aquarius. It is like two powerful fronts are barreling at each other and when they engage, dramatic things will unfold.

Today, if you do not see the storm on the horizon, you are blind or ignorant. Seems Mercury intends to reshape our world by forcing us to see and think very differently. While some might see this as an invite into deeper places and spaces, I see this for some as if they have their foot caught by a rope and they do not realize that they are snared until they find themselves hurdling off the edge of the boat down into deep and dark water.

If you are unconscious about anything, you are about to get a powerful wake up call. If you are aware, you will embrace that it is time for a powerful psychological shift to happen from your nose to your toes.

We are letting go of debris that has clogged our thinking methods and much is about to get aggressively flushed away. Many will finally see the man behind the curtain that is pulling the strings. Many will see the facades crumbling and we will have to realize that we are less interested in how things appear and more in touch with what is motivating people from deep inside their core.

October 14th, the Sun will square Mars
Mars is in Cancer directly squaring our Libra Sun. Many things being to shift because old things that are stagnant need to be burned away and other things that have been causing us so much tension and stress require us to plan things in very new ways. We want to be heard. We require things to move in a dedicated way that shows intention to change. Those unwilling to do that are going to get things coming back at them with a force that may surprise them. But silence is no longer an option for stupidity.

October 15th, the Moon goes into Aries
Tempers rise, and our emotions seem to threaten to dismantle our illusions of self-control. As we move closer to the Full Moon in two days, let’s just say that we are feeling that pull and we are hearing the storms inside and out. We are entering into a firestorm. No one will escape the flames and let’s just say that subtlety is not a Moon in Aries specialty.

October 17th, the Full Moon in Aries combines with Venus entering another fire element (Sagittarius) and the Moon goes into Taurus
This is a big day. It is a big day in the charts of all the major players currently. The fires are going to be so strong that stomping around will not quench the fires of this day. What we have been feeling lurking in the shadows will be revealed. This can cause great concern and consternation. You can meet this energy full on and be like a Zebra who knows that running through the fire is the way out. Or you can try to run from the flames and exhaust yourself. Today, think before you just react. Today is a mirror that is going to show us what we need to see, what we want to see, and what needs to be witnessed. Notice the patterns of dysfunction that will arise and the emotions that come with it.

The question this week is, “What do you deserve?” This week will determine where you feel worthy or unworthy. While Venus is a planet that instills much grace and support, the fires of Venus combining with this fiery Full Moon in Aries and then the energy of Venus being in another fire sign Sagittarius, will put us on a heated track. I expect world and global tensions to shock and dismay us. I think we are going to be asked to be more concerned about each other and our fellow man.

This week is one for the record books. Surprises are around every corner. We are going to have to learn to channel more emotions than we expected. Just know that if you keep a cool head, you will be of great service to others.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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