October 26, 2024

Weekly Astrology for October 27-November 2, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 26, 2024Categories: Astrology Weekly - Free

Weekly Astrology for October 27-November 2, 2024

Much is moving and much is yet to be seen. The swirls of the universe seem to have a plan, and that plan is calling to each of us in our own way. It is going to be a busy week leading up to this election. What we are rekindling is hope. We hope that we are wise enough to find a path that supports the greater good rather than just the wealthy few. We feel the power of our internal convictions and how we long for an invitation to come together rather than continue to wallow in the wastelands of despair that has been being force-fed us through the cupcakes of fear.

October 28th, Venus will Square to Saturn

Squares are always hard. The challenge with this one is to recognize that the power to change is with each of us. Without the willingness inside to embrace deep transformation we will continue to feel as if our creativity is stifled and the walls, we need to tear down will seem impenetrable. Saturn is the planet of hard work and struggle. It is there to remind us that there is a long road ahead no matter what. What needs healing will require a lot of time and effort. While Venus wants to just love everyone, Saturn tries to check the impulsivity of Venus with a dose of reality. Venus in Sagittarius wants to embrace this new adventure that seems right in front of us. Saturn in Pisces longs for the people to come together with a common vision for a better world.

The question to us at this time is, “What do we really value more? A peaceful world? Or our need to be right and screw up things even more?”

What I hear every day is a level of exhaustion in people that has the potential to make a major shift or to shatter hope entirely. What do we want our world to look like? Do we want more conflict or less? And can we be honest with ourselves about if we are making choices that help that along or make things worse?

October 29th, the Moon will go into Libra

You would think that the Moon in Libra would make things balance out. But sometimes, it points out in graphic detail how out of balance things have gotten. I am sure that as we come into the end of the month, what is becoming clearer is how out of balance things have become. The best thing to do today is to step away from anyone and anything this is about being out of balance. We do not need to cultivate the chaos. It is doing just fine without our adding any fuel to that fire.

October 30th, Mercury will Oppose Uranus

These two planets have no agenda to go silently into the night. Quite the opposite. The volatility is going to increase and continue to ratchet up as we come into the election. You may notice your mind racing from one extreme to another. We probably need to pull back from all the overthinking and instead try to focus our attention in constructive areas of learning. As we are in the time of Scorpio, things are intense enough and the desire for humanity to make a shift in the direction that has a practical application in our world is essential. Uranus is showing us that we have a lot still to learn and if we are not open to embracing a larger world view that the constriction that has been coming from all the fear will crush us rather than break us through to a new and unknown place that will be better.

Expect to feel frustrated with humanity. After all we are in a powerful opposition that intends to shine a bright light on both sides. Uranus wants to move us towards a feeling of liberation and hope. This opposition wants to crack open closed minds. This is an energy that wants to show us ways to open up rather than close down. This is a day to write down your dreams and to embrace learning something new.

November 1st, the New Moon will go into Scorpio

We are in the sign of Scorpio, and we are in the New Moon also in Scorpio. From the depths of despair will come something that we will need to fully embody and trust. For each person that will be very different. Scorpio is a sign that asks us to be emotionally courageous. It asks us if we can be honest with what is going on deep inside. The shadow will be easy to see in this light and it is showing us where we have gotten lost in the mazes of the mind. The heart is never dark. But the mind can become very insidious and hateful. Notice where you are centered in your body. Are you only listening to your mind or are you allowing your soul to lead by bringing you fully into your heart.

Today is a day to allow the old to drain out and to leave yourself vulnerable and exposed. It is probably best to do this privately rather than around a lot of people. How have you let the words and actions of a few diminish the fullness of who you really are?

We are in a time where we have to let go of what we want and what we need. Only by releasing things fully can we actually transform into something better. The Moon is a mirror at this time to your shadow self. We are here to look into that mirror and learn to love those places that have been pushed aside and minimized. Notice if you want to repress others. That is a clue that you have suppressed something deep inside your core. Notice if you invalidate and disempower others. That is a clue that you are undermining your own well-being and personal power. If you are willing to embrace and understand your own shadow, you will find that today is a day to be reborn with more confidence and strength.

November 2nd, Mercury will go into Sagittarius
One day later, Mercury leaves Scorpio and moves into the more invigorating sign of Sagittarius.

Just a reminder that the last Mercury retrograde will be November 26-December 15th. That will make for a complicated Thanksgiving and the energies moving into the Christmas holiday. I remind you of that because you might want to get the holiday shopping done early. That flow of going backwards can create a lot of complicating circumstances.

In the meantime, let this Mercury in Sagittarius lift you up, open your mind, make you curious, and help you philosophically understand many things that are currently seeming to be confusing.

This aspect brings light and hope into our thoughts and actions. Let that fire of Sagittarius spark some passion inside that intends to move full steam ahead. This world needs those with the spark to make a difference. Perhaps you are one of those sparks.

This is a week where the emotionality of Scorpio will seem to grab us strongly and force us to take a look at many things that have been difficult for us to see. This is a week to be brave, bold, and courageous. It is time where honesty matters. But if you are not honest with yourself … you will not be able to be honest with anyone else. Nor will you see the dishonesty in others. Power comes when you stop resisting what is true. Power comes when you learn to gather new tools up because of your own experiences. Know that emotions can become a doorway to wisdom, if you are willing to work through those emotions rather than project them onto others.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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