October 2, 2024

Weekly Astrology for September 29-October 5, 2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 2, 2024Categories: Astrology Weekly - Free

Weekly Astrology for September 29-October 5, 2024

Leading up to this week, there have been a lot of aspects hitting hard. The Moon went into Virgo on the 29th, making the word for the next few days to be, “meticulous”. Attention to details and realizing that we have a lot of details to deal with, has been aggravating and at times frustrating.

Add to that, Mercury went into the heart of the Sun in Libra on the 30th and that was a lot of fire and air amplifying just about everything.

On October 1st, the Moon calms us down a bit in Libra, only to push us off the cliff with the Solar Eclipse on October 2nd.

Then on October 4th, the Moon goes into the depth defying sign of Scorpio and that makes for quite a week.

The theme seems to be about upleveling and amplifying everything. Communications can come from an uncentered and heated place or they can come from a place that will allow rational thought and discourse.

Let’s just say that the true colors are going to reveal much about people and where they either cling to hate and fear or embrace ways to come together and make things better for everyone.

The eclipses that have been unfolding are pushing us to heal, see what is still lingering in our psyche, and hopefully … finally completely let go.

This eclipse wants us to see what and where we are actually supported and where we are not. An eclipse is an invitation to move us past the old ways of relating and into some new ways that we can become more of who we really want to become.

The motto this week is that if we truly love who we are we will naturally make better choices and decisions. If we try to be something that we are not, we will only generate aggravation and upset. This week make each step one of balance and sincerity. Remember you are a gift to this world, but you have to discover that gift and then figure out how to give it.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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