Astrology for Today 1/1/2023
The Taurus Moon wants us to stay close to the warmth of the fire. As it connects to the Capricorn Sun it brings in a more generous approach to sharing and caring for others.
The Sun will quintile Neptune, and that will help us not over-react to small things. It gives us an internal sense of well-being that supports us in letting things slide … like water off a ducks back.
Our feelings inside are creative and broad in their scope. It puts us in a spiritual mood and gives us a more hopeful attitude.
Take a moment today to reflect on how far you have come. Think back to where you were from 2016 to now. Notice the major shifts in perspective and awareness that now helps us see … so much more clearly.
There is a shift in the balance of power because now we see that holding all of our thoughts as correct and true, was incorrect and now we search for a better balance between our feelings, our soul, our intuition, and our mind. Our intuition is heeded more easily and allowed to direct our next actions with less irritation or doubt.
We are more aware and open than last year. We are more concerned about others and our world.
With the Sun and the North Node trining we are feeling supported in our dreams much more than before, and we are willing to try new things that will challenge us but also give us more courage and compassion.
Pluto and Venus deepen our feelings and allow us to see the world with a much more open and diverse perspective. Let the new information filter in and give support to those that are deeply concerned about their next steps or the changes that they fear to embrace.
~Suzanne Wagner~