Astrology for 3/12/2023
The Moon in Scorpio is penetrating and intentionally revealing. Quietly work behind the scenes. The outside seems messy, and we want to regroup in our own way. Let the creativity flow and let go so our imagination can run wild. To get things done we will need to put our ego aside.
Jupiter and Chiron will conjunct today and that requires us to have a greater understanding for what is needed and the wisdom to do it without drama. Seems time to do some deeper healing and while we are at it, take a look at what is really bugging us on the inside.
We need a few moments to catch our breath and to regroup. For some, our confidence has been weakened over the past few days. Know that the level of exhaustion is deeper than we wanted to admit. Time will be the healing agent used for this moment.
Notice where the negative thoughts arise and recognize that they may be pointed inwards at ourselves rather than outwards at others.
Either way, step away from that critical voice. It is not helpful.
Turn interest towards a project that requires some dedication and research.
Practice joy in all forms. Laugh, love, and become absorbed in a great book.
While we want to work on areas that need our focus, we also need to break open to some new things that will allow us to become better.
~Suzanne Wagner~