July 27, 2023

Astrology for 7/27/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 27, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 7/27/2023

The Moon leaves Scorpio this evening and shifts into Sagittarius bringing us a renewed sense of adventure and it allows us to expand our mind in new ways.
Until then certain aspects keep us in a more pensive mood and the underlying tensions seem to be clearly felt and can make those that have habituated fear to be constantly looking over their shoulder.
There is a Mercury/Pluto quincunx that continues to get into the heart of some matters. But honestly most are not really ready to hear what they might hear if they push today. Certain facts might be tricky to understand and make sense out of. Conclusions seem not clear and so deciding can be next to impossible to find. Be aware that your answers will probably not be sufficient for others. Seems if we are not careful, the needs of others may get in the way to caring for ourselves.
Venus is retrograde for a while and it will connect with Venus and just know that if we are willing to approach problems with an inquisitive mind and an open heart … certain things might finally come into focus. While all of us compare our past experiences with our present, today, some added bit of information might finally feel like a missing piece to a problem. Only to realize that we are still looking for now another new bit. Don’t get frustrated. Appreciate the part that has become more clear.
Uranus will quintile with the Sun and for some, they may overthink certain problems. For others it is a gift to enthusiastically embrace changes that are currently needed.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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