July 27, 2023

Astrology for 7/28/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 27, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 7/28/2023

The Moon in Sagittarius is active and wants to move. It’s optimism can be infectious and bring hope into stuck issues.
Mercury enters Virgo today and it will remain there with a retrograde till October 4th. We look for a better way to communicate and we desire our thoughts to match our process. Details seem to matter more, and we are attempting to find comfort in situations that are a bit of a stretch. For some, they choose to find ways to control situations and stick to facts. Keeping emotions out of situations. It can be irritating to those with a more emotional and intuitive temperament. While this cycle can feel a bit lacking in certain ways, it is very organized and can make things more useful. Focus moves in a more conservative circle, and we lean towards wanting to keep things short and sweet. Long stories are tedious and exhausting.
The Sun and Saturn will quincunx making us feel as if we need to choose between what needs to be done and our desire to play more. My suggestion is to move in the direction of a pause and more fun rather than trying to get all the things on that long list done.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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