July 30, 2023

Astrology for 7/31/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 30, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 7/31/2023

The Moon languishes in a somewhat melancholic mood while in Capricorn for the whole day. But it will shift into Aquarius as we are falling asleep.
Today, it is best to put on a responsible attitude to suit the determined and demanding situations that require our attention. Stay safe, watch for crazy drivers. Alertness is going to be helpful.
Make choices that show our ability to be rational and sensible rather than emotional and reactive.
At the end of this month, it is best to keep on top of things. Finish up those bills and remember to take a look at the bank accounts. No need to overdraw accounts if we can move some things around.
The practical Moon prefers if we pay attention and not let things get out of hand. After all there are rules in play and goals to set.
Be gentle with yourself at lunchtime. Perhaps a quick 20-to-40-minute nap is what we need to get back on track. With the Moon and Uranus trining it might feel as if we need to turn off the mind so that it can reboot that update swimming in the ethers.
Tonight, the pressure comes on strong and you might be happy that took that nap at noon. Expect opposition from some unexpected quadrant that seems to want to find fault with us.
Just remember, it is probably not you that is the problem, but you could be the person that just happens to be in the line of fire. Try to not take it personally.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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