July 3, 2023

Astrology for 7/4/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 3, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 7/4/2023


It was amazing to watch the Full Moon this morning and last night. It was so luminescent and strong. While the Moon is now waning, I hope your desire to make a better world … is alive and well.
This determined and focused Capricorn Moon lasts until this afternoon. It will parallel to Jupiter, Mars, and Venus till it shifts into Aquarius. That will propel us into a future focused position, where we recognize that fair-mindedness is essential for making our culture and society more content.
Today, has the potential to let our generosity increase and will allow us to connect with those that are more in alignment with our personal values. It seems as if there here is much more time for creative expression and we lean into those new ideas and begin to make some headway.
While it is the 4th of July, we might end up eating and drinking a bit more than is advised. Try to pace yourself. The feelings of good will are strong and the intention to share with others is strong. The feeling of good cheer is palpable today, and we want to lock in the feelings of celebration with others.
The incentive to make a better world is strong and we are learning to prioritize those things that call to us personally to do and to get done over the next year.
Possibilities loom, and with it, a bit of excitement to take on certain things.
We feel more certain of our path and many things boost our confidence. Connections with others help in amazing ways and as we engage with them, things seem more possible.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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