July 8, 2023

Astrology for 7/9/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 8, 2023Categories: Astrology Daily, Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for 7/9/2023

The Moon in Aries gives us a bit of a push to get things going. Seems it is time to start some things that have been ready for a while, but we just could not quite get to them. Now is a good time. We are also in the Last Quarter of the Moon and this evening with the Sun in Cancer it will square the Moon. As the blinders have been coming off for weeks, we are also growing up and putting things in better order in our mind and in our lives. Experienced viewpoints can make us recognize old patterns and that is the beginning of shifting them. While some may get upset, it is not necessary. We need another set of more objective eyes to help us through.
Mars and Pluto will quincunx and that can also add seemingly unnecessary tension into the mix.
Today, it is a good idea to not push our perspective on others or insist on things being done our way.
Keep telling yourself that it is okay to let things go and to realize that we are looking for ways to make things easier rather than harder.
Neptune and Mercury will trine and that will help us find more creative solutions to issues arising.
We seem to notice what is going on with others more easily and we grok, what is happening more rapidly.
Today is a day where we see a path through, but it is not direct. Sometimes we feel as if we are living through life wandering down unknown paths. But that can be very invigorating.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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