Astrology for 9/26/2023
The Moon in Aquarius pushes us to keep trying to reach for the impossible and the unusual.
Without that inner yearning that knows there is always more, life would feel stagnant and dull.
We want those things that are stimulating to our senses. We are trying to have external factors wake us up and move us towards escaping our old reality. Such times can feel stressful to some and exhilarating to others.
You may find that during the day, the requirements of life are exciting but also exhausting. You may find that you need much more sleep than normal. Perhaps it is because the days are getting shorter and the nights longer. Perhaps we are being called by something in nature that reminds us that soon we will need to rest as these seasons change.
We will notice the shift as the Moon moves into Pisces this evening and our intuition seems to need us to find ways to stop, decompress and listen to our dreams more.
This Moon and Saturn will align, making things feel somehow ominous and heavy. We are trying to understand things in new ways but getting those new parts to fit into our old plan may not seem to be working. That is not surprising. My suggestion is to begin to let go of the old patterns and recognize that those old plans were never designed for this new frequency that is arising. It is time to release the old plan and realize that a very new direction is being implemented by the universe.
Seems, it is time to change … with the season.
~Suzanne Wagner~