As I look at all this astrology for November, I keep hearing the song, “Rocket Man” by Elton John. Less about the exact words and more about feeling “lost in the science of it all” and “out in space alone.” After all, we are living in a world that is “Cold as Hell!”
We are all feeling the heat of a rocket ship that is pushing us out of our comfortable spaces on earth and moving us into the colder and more detached energy of space (Aquarius).
When we see something from a distance, and see it for what it truly is, we can let go and change rapidly.
That is what this month is all about.
First, remember that this is an eclipse month.
As those eclipses begin, know that how they hit your personal chart will be unique. But regardless, each of us will be making some course corrections between the November 19th and December 4th.
Being in-between those two lunar and solar pulls add to the intensity of the Month that belongs to Scorpio.
But let’s go through this from the beginning.
November 4th there is a New Moon in Scorpio adding to the dramatic energies that began from the Solar Flare that happened on the 28th of October but hit Earth full force on the 30th and 31st.
I believe this sets the stage for some “monster” energies coming our way in the near future. There were moments, where we had been given warnings, and I know many have been feeling them.
I felt the intense energy flares on the 30th strongly. I had a headache that I could not get rid of the spacy quality that I felt. It was as if I was getting penetrated with various forms of radiation. It seemed as if the radiation was altering the DNA in my body. It felt, somehow, necessary and essential for the process to save this planet.
Clearly, we need to change, we need to be shifted out of this dangerous pattern. And something very big must be shifting on a global level to make this a possibility.
This New Moon gives us a chance to move beyond the patterns of dysfunction that supported this current toxic environment.
This Moon tells us that we can no longer push things into closets and corners. We need to look at what motivates us and what we need to do to begin the process of forgiveness. In forgiveness we can find the deeper meaning of this moment.
Use this energy to develop new skills and to help you find a purpose that has eluded you in this life.
This New Moon will oppose Uranus and will also square Saturn. Know that there is a volatility in life this month and recognize that small things can trigger those on an edge.
While we can use such moments to support independence and individuality, it is this astrological patterns strong intention to go forward in a new way.
On the 5th of November, Venus goes into the determined and ambitious sign of Capricorn. No matter what … do not settle for less than what you are going for.
While asking for what you want, and need is very vulnerable. At this time, it is essential to not bring those people into your inner circle that do not totally align with the bigger purpose and mission that you carry.
November 10th, Mercury and Mars conjunct and then square with Saturn. This tells us that it might be wise to stop and regroup before going further.
By the 12th, we may be stepping away from situations. Be kind to yourself as you may need to stop. It is okay to say, “Enough!”
Know that destiny awaits those brave souls that are ready, willing, and able to do and become more.
On November 17th, Chiron and Jupiter will semi-square. This is the final minor aspect of a triple threat that happened throughout the year. This particular aspect makes us seek out a meaning to the many moments that keep piling up on all of us.
What this clearly shows is that we are in a time when what we used to believe and what we are moving towards are vastly different. Old beliefs do not fit into this new reality.
From this point forward, our beliefs must serve a higher purpose. This process is going to be about serving the world rather than ourselves.
On the 19th of November there is a Full Moon in Taurus, and it is also a Lunar Eclipse. This one gives a sense of urgency. There is a feeling that time is of the essence.
Notice if you are feeling stubborn. Notice if you are doing things that support a healthy lifestyle, and if current choices are actually necessary and serve a greater purpose.
This Eclipse aligns with Pluto and squares Jupiter. The experts call this a “Frost Moon”. As the cold seeps into our very bones, we are changed. We want to find a better balance. And the answers seem to be in sharing our personal, emotional challenges with others. It is through sharing that we come to understand patterns that are arising. This Eclipse is teaching us to pivot on this moment and get things moving in a new way.
November 26th Chiron and Saturn sextile and it is also the 3rd and final time this pattern happens this year. It is time to embrace this strange and powerful time we are currently in and walk the path like an Indian on a hunt.
This means that we need to walk softly, disturb nothing, allow a graceful approach to moving forward, and become one with all the patterns that arise.
This is a month to be respectful and to stay humble.