January 16, 2023

Astrology for the Week – All Signs

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: January 16, 2023Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Astrology for the Week – All Signs


The Moon shifts out of pensive and emotionally complicated Scorpio early in the week. For a few days we will seek a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. But the Moon will move into Sagittarius for most of the week, supporting us in embracing the adventure of our current situations. The truth becomes even more important, and we understand some of the reluctance of the past few days that would allow us to ask for help. We do not need to do everything ourselves. It is okay to ask others to help because many things get done so much quicker with two people.

Jupiter and Venus will semi-square and the strain and upsets of the past few days become better and our attitude improves.

We do need to be careful that we do not take on more than we should. Our inner reserves are still not quite up to snuff.

Allow changes to be gradual and don’t try to do the impossible.

Mercury is preparing to appear to stop and go still in the sky. Know that the directions have not yet sorted themselves out yet. Just know that over the next 3 weeks, many of the snafus and upsets in communication will self-correct and get going in more constructive ways.
The New Moon in Aquarius heralds a shift in our perspective and allows us to broaden our minds and engage with others and more group activities.

There is a chance to start over and to embrace some things that are very different.

It seems that we can see the box in which we find ourselves and that same one that we are feeling trapped by. Often, others have the keys to help us escape our own traps. Let the ideas of others help out and know that it is okay if we do not currently have the answers we are expecting to know and implement.

We are more able this week to step back from the problems that have been causing discomfort.

Detachment allows for a broader perspective.

Sometimes we have to break out of destructive habits that keep us ensnared by our own expectations on ourselves, and obligations that we have unconsciously agreed to.
Change requires us to pay more attention to certain things that have gotten out of hand.

We feel more ready this week to tackle those bigger things that will require some major renovation.


The phases of the Moon are in positions that will impact the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius the most. If you are those signs give yourself more wiggle room and allow the shifts to be done in a more gradual manner. I know that fixed signs want everything “right now” but this astrology indicates a slow and progressive opening into a turn that will become much more significant than you might be seeing at this time. Give your ideas a chance to catch fire and begin to burn through the underbrush that has been hiding those great gifts you came to offer.


The Cardinal signs are also feeling how the Sun is attempting to shift out of Capricorn and into Aquarius this week. Is seems that Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn are driven to get certain things done. Just remember that your signs are determined to create spaces and to feel as if certain projects are finally completed. Just don’t push the fixed signs to go along with your personal demands. They are too overloaded to be able to align with your expectations.


For the Mutable signs of Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius know that your way of flow and go will not seem to work as well as normal. This week is about boundaries, establishing a framework, and knowing the limitations. None of which are remotely interesting to you currently. The conservative approach feels congested to you and gradual progress seems too slow for your taste. You will find that your ideas for innovation will be well received but the ability for others to take action at this time is limited.


Seems no signs are that interested in fluff and puff. Meaning that this week has a desire to be precise and look towards the longer term goals.
We will want others to get to the point faster and our impatience seems to be putting us on the edges of callous things wanting to come out of our mouths.

There is a drive for real change … not just flamboyant overtures that sound good to placate and calm the masses.
Watch out for the desire to be rude and sarcastic. Such outbursts will not look clever or remotely appropriate.

Keep a cool head and find things that create spaces for more independence where the themes of freedom have space to roam.
Watch out for those moments when it can feel as if we are spread too thin and our mind begins to point out that we are being ineffective and now need to focus on one task at a time.

Use the money to free yourself from constraints of the past. Pay down the debt and get more on top of things.

This week know that those things that endure and those that stand by us are what will matter the most. Appreciation and positive words matter.
~Suzanne Wagner~



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