Osho Zen Tarot: The Rebel, Ordinariness, The Fool
Medicine Cards: Blank Shield, Snake
Mayan Oracle: Harmonic Resonance, Shadow
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: 9 of Disks, 7 of Swords, The Hierophant, 4 of Swords
Aleister Crowley Deck: Luxury, Knight of Disks, Strife
Healing Earth Tarot: The Star, Three of Crystals, Four of Wands
Words of Truth: Density, Sensitivity, Opportunity
One of this month’s lesson seems to be that you cannot sleep with vipers and not get bit. Sounds simple enough but rarely do words really actually heal people. They often have to have their own experiences to ground in hard truths and unfortunately there are consequences to some learning curves. Some a bit harder than others. It seems that regardless of the fact that we are coming into the time of Spring, we are clearly going to get some lessons in shadow and in knowing from the hard hand of karma.
Astrologically it is going to be quite a ride. Uranus is leaving the fiery intensity of Aries and going into the money, banking, and financial world of Taurus. Uranus is the planet of revolution, revelation, and change. It tends to blow things up to revel what has been festering underneath. I think of it in this context as a boil that is going to burst, and the toxicity becomes revealed in a rather unpleasant way.
Uranus only changes signs about ever 7 ½ years and so when it moves it tends to do it in a dramatic way. After all it is the planet of electricity and while it moves into Taurus on May 16th , it will attempt to ground us. It will also tend to bring us down into the harsh reality of truth. Get ready everyone, this is rarely a pleasant transition.
This one astrological aspect influences the whole month because even as I write this article at the beginning of April the shifts are being felt in the Stock Market, the farming industries, and potential trade wars with China. This is going to be a 7 ½ year cycle where the money systems worldwide are going to be reworked, dismantled, altered, and regulated. But in May we are going to get the taste test of the next few years because it is only going into Taurus for 6 months and then it will retrograde and go back to Aries from November 7, 2018. Only to go into Taurus for the long haul, March 7, 2019.
You would be wise to take May as the wakeup call moment and begin to see things in a more objective and honest way.
Meanwhile, in the world of the cards, there are a number of cards indicating that metaphorically there are robbers at the door waiting to take everything from you. Notice where your line is in the sand. What will you give up willingly? Where will you go numb and ignore the facts? Are you aware of those people, situations, and circumstances in your life that are an infected boil of toxins ready to burst? The game is always about awareness and learning to pay attention when you need to.
There is so much density happening in May that you will feel overly sensitive to all aspects impacting your world. Neptune in Pisces is at High Tide and as such it is a storm of water emotionally that you have been feeling since December of last year and will continue to feel until September of this year. It is time to learn some self-control, mental discipline, emotional restraint, and recognize that these moments are designed to rile you up to get you moving.
The cards indicate that there are those in power that have been using the tactic of inconsequential and non-substantive appeasement of certain groups rather than the more difficult route of stand up for truth and justice. Appeasement is always related to tricking the mind of those who hold certain prejudices. Appeasement is always an intellectual game where unpleasant or difficult truths are not faced and actively ignored.
The cards indicate that there will be an abdication of personal responsibility in exchange for power. The cards show an army invading a walled city whose doors are wide open for the taking. It shows a leader who wants to be venerated and feared. It shows a deep sorrow of the people because a majority of them know that this shift is one towards dark power rather than light and that those who wish to bring shadow into the world, seem, (at the moment) to be winning.
Now, I extend the possibility that this is only a metaphor for a feeling that is overwhelming the world at this moment. As a psychic, I take the cards always as a metaphor for the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual challenges facing us. I believe that cards are an emergency broadcast signal intending to show the trend and that can allow us some time to shift and change the present trajectory in a more positive way.
This month, the healing comes from the power of the Rebel card. Which is the humanistic side of the Emperor card. When people of dogma and rigid beliefs attempt to come in and take all the power, the real power then is in the people. The real power is in the rebels, who refuse to give up and refuse to sit by and pretend to not see the destruction of their world. In a democracy it is the power of the people that refuse to be ignored that become the masters of their own change. When enough people stand together in the light of being willing to master their own destiny, that is when things change for the better. A rebel breaks the chains of society’s repressive conditioning and opinions. He steps out of the realm of words and into the passionate way of action. It is in repression that we find our real power, discover our true nature and choose to live in accordance with our deepest soul and values.
You are discovering the power of the rebel within. He or she is more than ready to stand up for truth and is brave enough to face the fury of those who refuse to admit that we are not who we were or where we were 100 years ago. It is time for all of us to grow into a new form. That is always a difficult thing but one that is worth the effort in the long run. ~Suzanne Wagner~