Numerology/Astrology for 4/29/2022
4/29/2022 is the number 21.
4 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 21.
Then we can add the 2 + 1 to get the number 3.
The Number 3 tries to turn those frowns upside down. It is time to look at the harsh reality that some are working through and count our blessings. When we learn to roll with life and alleviate the unrealistic expectations, we place on ourselves … that promotes more peace, compassion and acceptance.
Remember, a smile goes a long way in this strained world. Being kind and using gentleness to positively impact others is never a wrong choice.
While things can feel pushed and demanding, do your best to remain calm and aware of those personal things that need addressing and work through them in a systematic way. That will bring great joy into us and bring more hope into a world struggling to keep up.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today
We are just before the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus tomorrow. And this one is a doozy. Take some time to consciously choose a moment to pause and reflect on what has transpired in this year and look to what is ahead.
Pluto begins its retrograde journey giving us another moment to shift our direction and take a break from all the confusion out in the world. The dense feelings of concern seem to remain but we may see things in greater detail over the coming months. The answers seem to be inside us rather than expecting the world to align with what we want or desire in this moment.
Power will move in unusual ways and while we may want to know what is transpiring, know that many things are going on below the level of our awareness and we may feel more than we can see.
Neptune will semi-square the Sun and that brings a lack of motivation and a challenge to remain focused. We may notice a laziness that is causing us to steer away from certain goals that we thought we wanted.
Mercury will shift signs and go into Gemini, and it will be in Gemini through most of May. As Mercury rules Gemini, this is a pleasant aspect supporting us to communicate with others in ways that are empowering and educational.
~Suzanne Wagner~