Numerology/Astrology for 6/10/2022
6/10/2022 is the number 13.
6 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 13.
Then we can add the 1 + 3 to get the number 4.
As we move past yesterday and the number 3 (which is about unbridled creative expression), the Number 4 brings with it conscientiousness and a sense of duty and responsibility. This number has creativity but in a more organized and practical way. That creativity wants to serve humanity and put us on a more solid footing by bringing things into form that protect and stabilize our society. This is a number that knows how to persist and address important details that will help something last.
In the Tarot, this is the Trump card, “The Emperor”. He controls and implements the “Rules of the Family.”
Family is about feeling as if others have your back. It gives us grounding and a place to belong.
We can also look at it as the 4th astrological sign, which is Cancer. Cancer is a crab that is very protective and carries its shell on its back at all times. Cancer wants to protect and nurture the family and it is a sign of impeccability, integrity, commitment, and follow-through.
Home matters. Agreements matter.
Today, allow the number 4 to give you the practical application to your creative ideas. Focus on those things that will show staying power over time.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today
Peace is our hearts desire, as the Moon continues through Libra. But this afternoon, the Moon will move once again, into the emotionally complex and penetrating sign of Scorpio.
Truth is more alluring and wants to get to the bottom of things and has become more important than ever.
Topics that others deemed taboo, or not relevant, and that were pushed under the carpet … are being uncovered and revealed.
That could be upsetting for some.
Mercury is continuing to unravel from its intense retrograde cycle and as we feel the flow moving forward once again, it trines to Pluto. We might be retracing some familiar ground that we thought we had completed in April, and also in May (when it was retrograde).
The mental advantage it gives us is deeply appreciated. Our focus improves and many things are getting done.
While we are coming to terms with the psychological complexities of the human equation, insight is not enough to manifest acceptance or a valid justification for the choices and behaviors of others.
Those that refuse to acknowledge deeper, core, universal truths have the capacity to do great harm to themselves, civilization, and our world. Those with harmful intentions that continue to cause discord are going to not be tolerated for much longer.
~Suzanne Wagner~