June 9, 2022

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 6/10/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 9, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology


The Holy Grail is within each of us.

It is a place that spirit can always touch.

We are made of matter … like a clay doll.

Our spirit moves into form … like a waterfall.

Thus, we have this experience in linear time.

We are birthed into this world and begin a pantomime.

This is a game that we chose and that seemed a worthy way.
To explore this world’s marvels and experience life’s buffet.

Lean into the dirt and the soil.

Lean into the complexity and turmoil.

Allow yourself to discover something new.

Give yourself permission to follow all the angel’s clues.

We can have this moment and expand what we know.

Even if we don’t always know where we are to go.

~Suzanne Wagner~


I watch the shifts that continue to unfold.

It is not enough to pray and then scold.

We must make the changes that so many want to ignore.

We must create a world where there is a more even score.

Such continued imbalances will only manifest more pain.

And too many are already suffering and cannot handle more strain.

We are close to a point where something will have to break.

I do not want it to be more situations that cause heartache.

Can’t we be reasonable and work towards what is for the greater good?

Can’t we set aside our beliefs and instead do what we should?

I know I would be willing to figure out another path.

If everyone would demand that the powerful … stop the bloodbath.
Why do the few … cause so many … to suffer?
Why cannot good laws … become the buffer?
I realize that some want revenge over peace.

I understand that such lessons for humanity will never cease.

That is because this world is a testing ground.

One that endlessly keeps the karmic game, going round.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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