Numerology/Astrology for 6/6/2022
6/6/2022 is the number 18.
6 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 18.
Then we can add the 1 + 8 to get the number 9.
As the last of the single digit numbers, the Number 9 is special and has a very high value on all levels. It reminds us that through the culmination of experiences and the evolution of wisdom that we learn the values of letting things go, beginning again, and the endless loops of time.
If you add the Number 3 together 3 times (the trinity of the trinities) you get the number 9.
When we can look at things from repeated angles of perception, we expand the possibilities and understand that the cycles of learning never end. In fact, they increase and magnify.
Today, notice if simple answers are what your mind favors and looks for. If that is the case, you have not tapped into the unlimited potential of understanding and knowing that is possible.
While the complex patterns of the universe are often based in simple patterns, when those patterns merge and influence each other … the complexity magnifies with the diversity.
This is the number of embracing diversity and understanding that if you shun the worlds diversity that you become a danger to all of life.
Our prejudice limits the options offered by this world.
The number 9 reminds us that beyond what we think we know are an infinite number of potentials that not only are there but that we can embrace and touch if we are willing to open.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today
The Moon shifts into the detailed sign of Virgo as we sleep, and it will support us in seeing the critical flaws that keep trying to pull us down.
Today, it is time to heal and support the healing of others. The details do not matter. The demands of egos lost in the seas of unconscious karma cannot be altered with one moment of appeasement.
But we can hold others in a light of their untapped potential so that they have a beacon to follow as they move through their dark path that their choices and karma created.
People do not need to be fixed; they need to be witnessed.
Witnessing them does not fulfill the demands of their ego.
The mind insists that love looks one way.
But the greatest love is one that holds hope out that people will remove the veils and finally see past their destructive nature and embrace the only universal truth.
Which is that we are all one.
Chiron is strong as it sextiles to the Sun and the bigger picture is revealed as one that can gift us with an understanding that has eluded us for centuries if we are willing.
Somewhere between our best and worst self is the truth. We can no longer keep the blinders on that have allow the karmic stagnation to stifle reasonable actions and choices.
Do not doubt that each person is worth more than we can grasp from our limited vantage point. If that is true than we too have powers and untapped potential just waiting for us to embrace.
Let go of the discomfort and realize that that pain is from resistance.
When we decide to surrender and move through the pain, what is on the other side is the freedom of the soul that was always there and will forever be there if we are willing to embrace truth.
~Suzanne Wagner~