Numerology for 1/20/2023
1/20/2023 is the number 10.
1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 10.
1 + 0 = 1
The Number 1 opens the door. The question is if we are willing to walk through. Taking steps forward is just a part of every life and the patterns that naturally unfold.
Too often we desire change but when that change comes, we hesitate. The unknown is on the other side, and we wonder if the “evil we know is better than the evil we don’t know?”
All change is a process that we can willingly go through, or life will just drag us through kicking and screaming.
I personally prefer the option of choosing in rather than being dragged.
Resistance takes so much more energy.
Today, surrender into what the Universe is offering you and do so with a smile and an open and inviting heart.
When we learn to embrace the offerings of life we learn to allow the larger currents of energy to shape and mold us into the ways that can make a plain life into a work of art and something to be proud of at the end of this life.
Personally, I pray for a life so fulfilling … that at the time of my exit … that I embrace this experience with no regrets … and allow that last breath to be an ecstatic departure from a beautiful and magical journey.
~Suzanne Wagner~