Numerology for 1/21/2023
1/21/2023 is the number 11.
1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 11.
1 +1 = 2
The Number 2 seems hostile at first. Those that oppose our old and dying self … seem to threaten our existence. And they do threaten anything that is old and not fully alive.
We look to understand. But how the mind works is it tries first … to separate in order to understand. But when we do that, we break out of the oneness that connects all things and we find fault with one pattern or another. Just the process of attempting to understand can undermine the natural states of oneness.
The duality exists and will continue as long as this world spins around our sun.
It is about learning that both sides are essential for wholeness. Life is about learning to understand and accept all aspects are parts of that greater whole.
Denial of a part … causes that part to get suppressed and then its only avenue to get our attention is to sabotage certain things that the light side of us wants and believes it needs to be validated.
Today, embrace the faults that perhaps others labeled as bad.
Embrace those aspects and moments that we believed we failed.
Recognize that some negative moments were designed to break us out of ego and arrogance. See the value when our ego broke, and our vulnerability oozed out.
We learn by doing.
We learn by failing.
We learn by being willing to keep going through it all.
Embrace the light and dark within and that will eventually generate enough energy to set your soul free.
~Suzanne Wagner~