October 9, 2023

Numerology for 10/10/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 9, 2023Categories: Astrology/Numerology, Numerology Daily

Numerology for 10/10/2023

10/10/2023 is the number 9

1 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 9

Today we are moving into the number 9, a circle requires opposite ends to bend and connect. It seems like such a simple request. But aligning beginnings to ends (for some) can be hard to understand. All beginnings have an intended end. I have learned that life is not really listening to what we want as that completion. It has its own agenda and understands the natural and organic flows of things. If you honestly look at your life, you will realize that those things that we start are not often where we end up. But the outcome of our actions will and does make a certain amount of sense. I find that most outcomes show me the flaws in my thinking, they show me my attachments and my biases, they show me where I did not understand the nature of something, and they show me that what I want is often less important that I think.
Life has consistently shown me where I was still a work in progress. It has shown me that life is smarter than my own mind. And it shows me potentials that I did not know were inside of me to reach for.
Today, notice where you are reaching. Notice how a beginning a long time ago has brought this potential completion. Embrace the entire journey that has brought you to this particular awareness.
Because most of the time the original goal was never going to be the outcome. The universe gives us dreams so we reach beyond what we know and what we are familiar with. Those dreams are the incentive to make a change. I know from experience that dreams begin a process of learning and manifestation in this reality. Manifesting all great things in this reality requires levels of trust and willingness to adapt and change in ways that we cannot perceive when we begin such journeys. It can often take lifetimes of learning to master certain things in this reality.
Today, embrace what you have learned up to this point. Connect the many beginnings in your life to this new level of awareness and perception. I find that the game was never about the goal but about the process and the willingness to try. The joy is in the journey not the outcome. Appreciate your amazing life, your amazing adventures, and your bold, brave, and beautiful self.
Then get ready to reach even further and extend into your next level of growth.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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