Numerology for 10/23/2023
10/23/2023 is the number 13
1 + 0 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 13
1 + 3 = 4
Today, the number 4 reminds us that to find peace we have to listen. We have to listen not to others but to our highest self and our soul’s purpose. Living in a world of duality splits our attention between our human self and our higher self. The job that each of us attempt to accomplish is to find a way to have both sides work together. But to do that we have to remind our human self that its reactive nature does not often hold the best answer that we may be seeking.
Our human self is plagued with past traumas and wounds that do not allow us to easily move past fear. And fear is the energy that holds us into karmic patterns of suffering.
To find balance (the number 4) we have to be willing to hold our human biases lightly in hand and stop of incessant chatter of our mind long enough for the soft whispers of our conscience to come into our awareness.
When we decide to listen rather than mentally go over the same stuff in our past and history, we can find pathways that are not easily found from our human self. When we learn to really listen, we are open to answers that are not habits or opinions. We find peace when our human self does not need to be right but instead seeks the best answer for all involved.
~Suzanne Wagner~