Numerology for 10/29/2023
10/29/2023 is the number 19
1 + 0 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 19
1 + 9 = 10
Today, the number 10 reminds us that it is time to start again. I like to think of this number as a plane on the runway getting ready to take off. After it lines up, it waits for the “all clear” from the airport traffic controllers. Once they get the signal, then they put the pedal to the metal and go full throttle to get enough speed to get the required lift to get the plane off the ground.
We all have been on that plane waiting for the moment when we feel the forces that thrust us and that plane into the sky. There is a sort of anticipation. For some it is a bit unnerving. We all know that takeoffs and landings are where the biggest problems can happen. Such places create a tension and excitement at the same time.
Today feels just like that.
Know that because of this new beginning number we will want to pay more attention to the small things. Such as looking where we put our feet.
I was not paying attention and with the eclipse energy I tripped on my deck and broke my foot. So now all things are going to be done for the next six weeks with much more care and diligence. Take time to go slow and pay attention to the small things. Hopefully you will not have to do an extreme new beginning like me.
~Suzanne Wagner~