Numerology for 11/11/2023
11/11/2023 is the number 11
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 11
1 + 1 = 2
This number can go two ways. Sometimes it can do both expressions within the one day. Just be ready to make a choice. If the energy falls into the negative and you may not be able to find anything good to say about anyone and anything. If that happens, then you will have allowed this energy to move into the place of negative mind or critical mind.
While we need to see the truth, we do not need to make others bad and wrong or to position ourselves in a place of righteousness so strong that we are not open to the infinite possibilities that are always available to us.
We live in a universe that is diverse beyond our wildest dreams. Even time and space move with such variety that the rules that we believe exist in this dimension will not necessarily exist in others.
This is why the number 11 is the answer on so many levels. It opens us to the possibilities that exist and it intends to point out that the universe will forever show us that our biases are wrong, our opinions don’t matter one iota, and the only answer is to embrace the extreme diversity on this planet because only then do we have enough flexibility in our minds that will allow us to begin to touch and understand that if we cannot embrace differences here, we will never be able to move beyond this reality and move fluidly into others.
~Suzanne Wagner~