Numerology for 11/16/2023
11/16/2023 is the number 16
1 + 1 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 16
1 + 6 = 7
This number 7 is all about the patterns that we choose in life. It calls to those places inside that long for life to make sense.
Remember the days when things seemed to hum along without so much chaos or distortion? Remember when life seemed simpler and we felt unafraid of the world, even as this world did its convulsions of change?
Perhaps we were just so very young and innocent. It seems that now we all need to grow up and wake up to the hard realities that is life on this planet.
But I do believe that mankind seeks to find a better balance and wishes to create systems that work towards the greater good.
To do that, often the dysfunction must become so blatantly clear that we demand that changes need to come.
Seems we are in one of those cycles. The dysfunction keeps becoming more and more obvious. The truth looms like a horrible specter in our reality and most of it is difficult to make sense out of because good people do not understand the nature of certain people that intentionally do things that cause suffering to others.
Humanity moves in patterns. One choice leads to another. One lie leads endlessly to more and more deception as the souls caught in these trysts of treason refuse to see that with each step, they become more twisted and darker.
The more those souls choose the shadow over the light … the more they become lost in the karmic mazes of suffering.
That is why today, choose the light. Choose to step on the patterns that bring goodness, kindness, and more compassion into the world. Disavow the ego’s need for recognition in favor of finding freedom at the end of this existence.
It can be hard to turn your back on the darkness that is constantly tempting us to follow it.
But when you know who you are and you know that the goodness inside deserves your time and attention, then it becomes easy to discover that the path of light has great rewards that will extend far beyond this singular moment in time.
~Suzanne Wagner~