Numerology for 11/25/2023
11/25/2023 is the number 16
1 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 16
1 + 6 = 7
This number 7 is the number of the mind and those tools that can become maps to explaining the more subtle energy realms. This would be all things from the nuances of cooking to the mathematical studies of the universe. Often this is a number that loves to question, “Why?”
Why is the sky blue? Why does my mother never use the china, even during the holidays? Why do certain people act in peculiar ways and do certain behaviors when I am around?
Life is constructed around experiences and the beliefs we make up about us having those experiences. While some are true … many aren’t. This number 7 wants to understand and get to the deeper underlying meaning of certain things that matter the most to us. It is a number that entices us into become more fully aware of life so we can more properly relate to it rather than always coming from such a reactionary and primal place. This number 7 seeks knowledge that will help us understand this universe and hopefully then our place in that universe. It is the ancient question that all seekers, go to the mountain to find gurus in a cave and ask the question, “What is the Nature of the Universe?”
What is fascinating about this number is that the more one seeks knowledge and understanding the more complex and diverse the universe becomes.
Eventually one realizes that knowledge and understanding is only the beginning. The real cornerstone of wisdom is that our limited human mind does not have the capacity to understand so much in this density. That is when we let go of seeking just knowledge and instead begin to follow the paths that will lead us to core truths and values, understand that every action we choose to do shapes our personal reality, and take responsibility for our choices and actions because we finally get that we are spiritual beings having a very limited human experience. From that place we cannot fathom the complexity of the universe, but we can begin to understand our personal place in it.
Today, look at the patterns and choices in your life. Notice if they are giving you the outcomes that lead to a greater understanding of self. If they do not, then you might need to make some major changes in your actions. And more importantly you might need to let go of habits that are not serving the evolution of who you intend to become.
~Suzanne Wagner~