Numerology for 11/30/2023
11/30/2023 is the number 12
1 + 1 + 3 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 12
1 + 2 = 3
This number 3 wants to see things with rose-colored glasses. While being positive is very important in this world one also needs to be realistic in being able to see what is happening. It is easy to be positive if we have learned to put our head in the sand and only pay attention to our small reality. But in this rapidly growing world, we need to be informed well enough that we can make small adjustments to our trajectory as the world shifts.
I had a teacher of mine say, “Just remember when you think everyone is a good person, just remember that you don’t know everyone!”
It is a trick in life to see the beauty that is in this world but also honestly see those things that are a work in progress.
We can see the current struggles in the universe as convulsions to break through disfunction to bring better functionality over time. But waking up is hard to do. Too often terrible things need to happen before we take a path that will lead us towards a better wholeness.
Today, stay alert and awake to what is unfolding. See it as a process to get humanity to awaken.
Know that you can make choices that help those things along by your willingness to change your own habits into more conscious choices that serve, help, and bring better options into the world.
~Suzanne Wagner~