Numerology for 11/4/2023
11/4/2023 is the number 13
1 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 13
1 + 3 = 4
With today being a number 4 day, we move towards peace and calm. While that might be hard with all the oppositions happening, we have to try. We have to work towards peace and find ways to come into harmony with others. Peace has to be fought for in order for it to be maintained. That is why the best defense is a good offence.
We have to understand that all people have the right to protect themselves. But we do not have the right to attack others indiscriminately.
Where we need to be vigilant is that there will always be external sources and internal ones that want to tear down the good in order to validate what they believe they are feeling is true.
That is where education becomes so critical. When education is lacking, and we do not understand our own history … then we will continue to make the same mistakes as before and create situations that tear down the good things that have been built.
That is why I also believe that we should teach minds how to learn discipline and self-control. Learning mindfulness is a huge step to stopping the knee-jerk reactions that end up causing so many problems.
~Suzanne Wagner~