December 11, 2023

Numerology for 12/12/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: December 11, 2023Categories: Astrology/Numerology, Numerology Daily

Numerology for 12/12/2023

12/12/2023 is the number 13

1 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 13
1 + 3 = 4

This number 4 is a very important number in the Yogic System of numerology. It is called the number of Neutral Mind. Neutral Mind is considered a type of “Buddha Consciousness” because being neutral in a world that clearly is not neutral … is difficult to maintain. It is a type of inner balance that is not dependent upon circumstances. It is a balance that is dependent upon knowing the self and understanding that one can trust oneself to find a place to observe the circumstances without reacting to them.
Only when we are calm and centered can we actually discover the patterns that are interlaced within situations. A calm mind can see past the obvious and becomes aware of underlying situations that are simultaneously in play.
If you did not notice, the world is currently on a trajectory that is intended to throw the minds of young souls (and those that have not yet learned mental discipline) out of balance so they become ineffective and not a threat to those that want to play out certain power games.
I like to think of the number 4 as a type of magical power. Because a magician understands the games of deception and confusion and can use them to their advantage.
A trained eye, sees the traps of the mind and simply observes without taking a step in the prescribed direction.
Life in this dimension offers up a choice for gaining skills in learning how to operate with “free will”. But most people are caught in the games and webs of others and do not even realize how much of their life is being directed or … misdirected by those that do not have one’s best interest at heart.
Today, learn to observe and question everything you see and everything that others want you to believe. It takes an enormous amount of energy to trust one’s core and instinct over the rational that others try to force feed you with news and commercials.
Economies run off of wanting to entice you to buy certain things.
But when one is complete and whole inside the external stuff matters less. That is why those in power want to force feed you so that you crave the things that they are consistently handing out. This world is addictive on all levels. Some are addicted to food, drama, news, stuff, sex, being right, the list goes on and on.
But when one is at peace inside one’s core, then most of the stuff out there begins to fall away as nonsense, and we see that it has little if any intrinsic value.
Today, find that center and hang on tight. 2024 is going to be a wild ride astrologically. You are going to need to know who you are and your intentions because the astrology is going to begin a series of tests that will last the entire year of 2024.
It is best to start now so that one is prepared.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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