Numerology for 2/2/2023
2/2/2023 is the number 11.
2 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 11.
1 + 1 = 2
The Number 2 asks us to not let the mind make up stories that promote fears and constrictions. Such things are not necessary in the greater scheme of things. It is time to see that the mind is not always our friend. It is important to know what we want and to not let the mind find excuses that stop us from finding the safety we need at this time.
What we used to be is dissipating in the transitions that are happening globally.
What will remain is what has the greatest value. Everything else is just the musings of a brain searching for answers that are not necessarily to be found at this time.
Listen with the heart. Let the mind think way outside the old experiences. Let everything become new, wonderful, and exciting.
An open mind supports others wanting to help and assist us as we grow into this new configuration.
We sit at the edge of a new adventure. It might be time to let go and trust that all things will fall into place and be perfect.
~Suzanne Wagner~