Numerology for 7/27/2023
7/27/2023 is the number 23.
7 + 2 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 23.
2 + 3 = 5
The Number 5 makes us more curious about our own health and want to understand some of our physical issues. It is a good day to do some research and figure out some new steps that might be required for us to get a better handle on our own personal health.
The more we understand the connection of our own genetics, to what we eat, to our absorption capacity … then we begin to get a better handle on our health.
This is the number of the physical body and that can be a very complicated thing to understand on a personal level. Just remember, that because of our complicated genetics and our cultural inheritances, what works for us may not work for another.
We are each very unique in what our body can and can’t absorb. Learn to listen closely to the body/mind and realize that as we age we go through cycle changes that impact our health in new and diverse ways. Hormones that are a part of growing eventually slow down and we have to shift our eating to accommodate that natural rhythm.
As we age, less is more and we have to remember to notice what an aging body now requires from us.
Sleep is very important and remembering to not simulate ourselves too much before sleep will help us have a calmer night with less stress in our dreams.
What is your body telling you today? Decide to listen to what it needs and allow it to find a new place of balance that will allow for longevity and a greater sense of peace.
~Suzanne Wagner~