July 27, 2023

Numerology for 7/28/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: July 27, 2023Categories: Astrology/Numerology, Numerology Daily

Numerology for 7/28/2023

7/28/2023 is the number 24.

7 + 2 + 7=8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 24.
2 + 4 = 6


The Number 6 makes us want to retreat, stop, and put the phone down for the day. While in our modern world that may not be possible, turning off the ringer might be a good first step. We all are learning how to step away from the chaos of our normal world. But it is difficult to do. Living a life that is constantly rushing leaves little room for doing things that create memories.
This is the number of the hermit. And it is connected with going into nature and finding a sacred spot to drop in and discover those beautiful hidden parts of ourselves within. Be grateful when we have the time to escape our daily grind and step away from what will endlessly drag on us. It takes a type of courage and a type of self- love to take a pause and allow nothing to become more important than our own inner peace.
Self-love needs to be nurtured and cultivated. It takes time and effort to learn to love the most hidden parts of ourselves into becoming whole and integrated into this crazy world in which we live. We need to not do it for others. We need to do it because we value knowing as much as we can know about us. When we understand our deepest core self, and we can love all our idiosyncrasies, that is when we can begin to love and accept others for their unique qualities and quirks and see past behaviors into the core of that soul also searching for ways to be whole.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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