Numerology for 8/8/2023
8/8/2023 is the number 23.
8 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 23.
2 + 3 = 5
In yogic numerology, the number 5 gives us incentive to go to the gym, take a walk, start a new heath regime, and work towards more constructive eating habits. Seems time to change a few things out of patterns that are unhealthy and into some healthy ones.
The number 5 is all about the body and how when our body is healthy our mind and emotions will often follow suit.
Culturally we place a lot of personal power in our mind but if we do not learn to listen to our body then we eventually will fall apart.
Too often, we have to practically crash and burn before we take care of our health and make the necessary changes.
It does not need to be that way. A little consistent attention will allow us to find how to follow the flow and recognize things that we are doing that do not work for us.
Today, notice what you eat. Then 20 minutes later notice if you feel better or worse. If you feel better, have more energy and feel more alert, then that might be a good choice. But too much alertness from caffeine can wreck the body down the road and interfere with a good night’s sleep.
Allow the mind to notice what is working and not working. Recognize that we need food to absorb properly to go through the blood brain barrier to the pituitary in order to produce serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine that support a stable mood and prevent depression.
The truth is that everything is interconnected.
A proper diet supports our health and allows our body to function at optimum levels. That also allows our mind to be able to adapt, change, figure out new solutions, and engage with others constructively.
That is why today, begin to notice if what you do is supporting your best self or if it might be creating more problems.
Our choices have a huge long-term impact and can extend our life or shorten it.
Today, choose to do what will make your entire life more fulfilling and enlivening. Choose what will make you a happier person and more engaging to be around.
Remember, to live a full life and to train your mind and heart to be fully in the body as well. That way, we do not miss the good things and that way we can have greater impact.
~Suzanne Wagner~