September 13, 2023

Numerology for 9/14/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 13, 2023Categories: Astrology/Numerology, Numerology Daily

Numerology for 9/14/2023

9/14/2023 is the number 21

9 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 21
2 + 1 = 3

In yogic numerology, the number 3 is positive and upbeat. Today, this number feels a bit like a prayer going out to all those suffering in our world from climate change.
We see what is happening in Morocco and Libya, and my heart sinks for these souls that have ineffective governments run by megalomaniacs and those that strip countries of their money to line their own pocketbooks.
It is a reminder of how easy it is for those types of people to gain power and the terrible toll they put on their own people.
Remember that we have systems that try to do checks and balances but there will always be those that believe they are above the law.
All systems will be tested. Some will pass and some will fail. And some will collapse all together.
Today we need to support those in other countries that want to do what is right and good for our world. We need those of conscience and moral character to stand up and move the world into directions that are healthier for everyone and everything.
I believe that often, disasters are there to show us where there are terrible weaknesses in systems. They point out how our lack of attention to truth can cause so much destruction in our world. It is an indicator that all systems must (eventually) be revamped and reworked.
And that is something to take hope for … in our world.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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