Numerology for 9/17/2023
9/17/2023 is the number 24
9 + 1 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 24
2 + 4 = 6
In yogic numerology, the number 6 wants quiet and a restful way to engage with others. We seek deeper knowing and answers to the more sublime questions in our life.
Today is a reflective day. One that asks us to look past the obvious and into the complex webbing that our choices, situations, and circumstances have created and are constantly unfolding to show us where we are still growing and expanding.
This number likes to know answers to the hard questions. It seeks those answers that are never easily found but that must be sought after with diligence, intention, creative insight, and powerful drive to evolve and become more than what we know and currently see within our own being.
This number knows that we are much bigger and vaster than this narrow incarnation and expression.
It understands that this life is just one facet of a much more brilliant gem of light that we are.
But often we must strip away the ego in order for the true self to become more integrated and helpful to this body and to find how to be effective in helping us through the karma that we are all attempting to navigate.
The practices of the number 6 are such that they call upon our deeper inner self to move out of the shadow and into the light. This number understands that certain contemplative practices are necessary to move us past our ego and into a more integrative and awakened self.
Today, is perfect for meditation, contemplation, resting by a creek, reading a book under a tree, or listening to our favorite music as we run in the forest.
All these tools can help us reconnect to the parts inside that really matter.
Never be afraid of self-exploration. What is buried deep inside is the greatest treasure we hold. But it is up to us to be the ones to find it. Great treasures only appear once we are ready to accept the responsibilities that they also demand from us. If we are not ready, the beauty inside may not reveal itself.
~Suzanne Wagner~