Numerology/Astrology for 6/4/18
6/4/18 is the number 3. The number 21 or 2 +1 = 3 is a number of good luck and good fortune. So be frank and honest but also be friendly and broad-minded. Learn to have a sense of humor and to see how the past connects to the present and the present creates the future. The planet associated with the number 3 is Jupiter (the god of expansion, love and abundance), and the Tarot card associated with the number 3 is the Empress (the earth mother). The weakness of this number is that you might feel scattered and have an inability to concentrate. Which oddly aligns with the Moon being void of course astrologically. So attempt to do one thing at a time and try your best to not get your “to do” list too long. You are being asked to use you’re your mental energy to figure out some things before you step into that arena. Let your creativity flow and be encouraging to others.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon continues in Aquarius all day Monday, but it is in the void-of-course” phase. The Moon is a relational planet, so when she is void, you often feel emotionally disconnected from those deeper emotional connections with others. Focus on the practical tasks and tune into your personal spiritual practice. It is good to know and stay connected to your deepest self as things seem to spin around you. You may feel a bit discombobulated and out of focus but do your best to stay on track with what you are attempting to accomplish. It’s better to tie up loose ends and develop the existing projects that you already have on your plate. The void Moon makes it difficult for new things to have any staying power. You tend to be attracted to things that are new and unusual with the Aquarius Moon. You will want your reactions to be more intellectual than emotional. And interactions are more impersonal than personal, under this influence.
~Suzanne Wagner~
“Neither intellectual argument nor mere traditional strategizing will be enough to save us now. Only a deeper, whole person conversation that emerges from the soul, tapping into a higher frequency of love for each other and the world will carry the power to override the otherwise dangerous consequences of demagoguery and fear. Only a collective love will cast out a collective hate.”
~Marianne Williamson~
Truth always finds you eventually.
It shows up after denial.
It shows up after you override your heart.
It is a tiger watching you from the bushes
patiently waiting its time and place to leap.
It does not rush.
It knows that people are not always ready.
It knows that moving prematurely only
allows the truth to continue to be distorted.
You have to be willing to go look deep
into the heart of your own knowing.
There the truth waits for you calmly.
Certain, that to grow you must find it.
~Suzanne Wagner~