Numerology/Astrology for 6/2/18
6/2/18 is the number 10. The number 10 wants to bring peace and harmony back into life. The question is, “How do we bring love and light back into the normal and ordinary reality?” It takes discipline and wisdom to bring compassion into power. The number 1 is the gift of power and the 0 is about protection. There is a huge amount of power and energy that it takes to bring this world fully into the Aquarian Age. The Aquarian Age is about bringing in the coping skills that are needed to deal with the very fast pace of technology, as we move forward. What we need in leadership in the world will change because of the adaptation needed as we move forward. Remember, that life is always about adaptability and change. If you cannot consciously choose to change you will fail to shift to the changing tides of life.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
Dreams can become significant early on Saturday morning as the compassion of Venus compliments the planet of dreams, Neptune. Under this influence you can over shop, so you might want to wait until after 3:30 pm for shopping. The Moon is in its quiet void-of-course phase, and that is when you should do simple tasks like the housework or the garden. Just don’t initiate new actions. Venus is also in a grand trine with Jupiter and Neptune, so this is a great time to come up with the new ideas, styles, and perspectives. Again, just don’t start them up. You are feeling exceptionally forgiving, understanding, and generous, although practicality is not your strong suit today. Allow yourself to be trusting, cheerful, and romantic today. You might be seeking more meaning in your relationships as you look beyond the surface of things to find it. This is a time to tap into your feelings and share them with others. Your communications are refreshingly direct and to the point, and your mind feels sharp and quick. The Moon is in grounded and practical Capricorn all day, and this is a very helpful this energy at this particular time.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Impatience and fear cause people to rush.
Those souls are not at peace inside.
Real power encompasses patience.
When you are confident in your choice,
and at peace inside with that choice,
then the correct timing is all that is needed.
Then you know when the moment is right.
And when that timing is perfect,
Magic happens and patience is rewarded.
~Suzanne Wagner~
So much of life it about timing and learning how to be patient and to wait on the “will of heaven”. Karma always comes back around. Most often it hits within the same lifetime but it can follow you into other times if you do not fully understand and if you have not implemented the lessons that you were supposed to learn. That is how we get into karmic loops where situations repeat again and again. There are often so many layers of lessons that need to be unraveled and unwoven on deep karmic levels so that we learn to transform dysfunction into mastery.
Never withdraw from lessons when they present. But also know how to choose those lessons from a place of knowing appropriate timing without pushing or waiting. When something is not quite ready, when you are not quite ready, it is important to know that and then to make choices that don’t continue to block the transformation but allow for movement at a pace that you can accommodate and will ultimately create success.
~Suzanne Wagner~