Numerology/Astrology for 8/2/18
8/2/18 is the number 3. The number 3 shines hope in the face of hate. The number 3 illuminates that which has been hiding in shadow. The number 3 shows the flaws in your thinking by seeing the duality in which you are living by stepping into another perception. This number is presently underutilized and so today, step into any alternate position just to see how you appear from the outside from another’s perception. Sometimes this can be a real shock. Sometimes it is very revealing and shows the darker sides of your own nature that you thought you had hidden far away and buried deeply. But all is eventually revealed in the light. Learn to own your shadow in ways that allow for the growth of self-compassion that turns to self-love eventually.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
There is a worldwide energy that continues to feel chaotic as we continue to be impacted by these eclipses in Leo/Aquarius. The best way to move through this is to recognize that you are a humble human attempting to navigate very challenging energies on this world at the moment.
On August 2nd, the Moon spends the day in Aries, inspiring your sense of enterprise. Get real, get honest and meet any situation head-on.
As much as you believe that you are seeking independence, the challenges of work or tensions related to your ambitions have worn you down, especially tonight with the Moon’s square to Pluto.
You have a stronger appreciation of the subtle layers of your interactions and for art. The Sun and Neptune connect via this creative aspect, and let it inspire you to create something meaningful.
This particular Mercury Retrograde in Leo is challenging your methods of self-inquiry. Ask yourself the question of where your pride is getting in the way of movement that would really serve? Are you doing things just for your own power or doing things that serve a greater good? With all this Leo, it is an excellent set of questions to ask because you could actually be doing both at the same time. You are living in paradoxical times. You are in a time where you have embarked either willingly or unwilling on an adventure and quest for learning, knowledge, and wisdom. And they do go in that order. You cannot generate wisdom if you are not willing to learn. You cannot learn if you do not see to understand things upon which you have no knowledge. There are too many people out there thinking they “know” things and believe that they carry wisdom when they actually have neither.
That is why this time shows such a harsh mirroring that forces you to take a look in the mirror of what you have denied inside yourself. That hatred you see outside is somehow inside also. It is time to seek out the places that you do not fully love within.
I know that many want to step back, go numb, and ignore the constant terrible news that you hear in the world. But avoidance does not work either.
We are globally in a time where egos will burn and the karmic impact is magnified when you refuse to address that inner conflict. This intense August heat intends to burn away the shadowy past actions that have allowed you to be in this place now. By the end of the month there will be more forward movement as the astrology picks up and Mars finally goes forward and we get past this eclipse energy that is breaking down homes, activating rebellion, and making us claim our own power back.
Do you know why you are here? Do you know what you came in to learn and contribute your energy too.
August is a time to loop past the personal and into the impersonal places where you have clarity and calm. These eclipses in Leo and Aquarius make you feel very hot in moments and then very cold, in balance with the seasons they represent.
On one level you are being asked to see this world as one life force, one being (Aquarius). On the other level you are asking to be seen and special (Leo).
Difficult, challenging and destructive times force us to get off our old positions and to stand for something. Everything in the world is asking you to choose. Do you choose destruction or action? Ask the question, “What would dying well, look like to you?” That is because something is going to have to die and the huge egos that are causing so much pain and anguish are tearing this world apart.
We are in the hot time of the year and this begs again the question, “What is on fire within you?”
You can either be part of the destructive energy that intends to break this world or you can become the phoenix rising out of the ashes to help rebuild the world. It is your choice. Will you be one to give orders for change or one that choses instead to take orders? Again, your choice.
On August 26th there is a Full Moon in Pisces and the 4 days leading up to it the Sun, Saturn, and Uranus form a grand trine in earth. Combine that lovely planetary combination with the Full Moon in Pisces and you have a wave of dreams that want to be resized into action. You have the doorway to step through called “self-reckoning” and you will be inspired to make some big changes.
~Suzanne Wagner~
When the mind does not know
that it is not here to control everything,
a person sees only problems.
When the emotions think
they are only to feel the good in life,
a person is shallow.
When the soul is in charge
of the evolution of the being,
challenges become growth edges
for perception and depth.
~Suzanne Wagner~
There are moments when you look out and feel as if you do not belong to a world such as this one at the moment.
But everyone is here for a reason. And each reason is unique and different to what you came here to do, your mission, your purpose, and your karmic lessons.
Life is always filled with difficult moments. Moments that seem so bizarre and heated and it appears that humanity is not making the decisions and choices that are appropriate for the continuation of that life in a way that it can flourish.
Humanity is fatally flawed with its attachment to self-identity, power, greed, and righteousness.
I truly believe that this world is a testing ground to see if you can manage to move past such shallow levels of existence and move into the powerful places that transcend attachments and move totally from love and compassion.
I see the world get close only to be torn away by those that hold tight to the lower levels of existence, such as prejudice, hate, opinions, anger, fear, and protectionism.
It is just the way this world seems to work.
Our world seems to be on fire or it has a severe infection and it feels the need to heat up to burn off what is plaguing life itself. Are you contributing to this world fever in any way? Are you a part of the healing?
Right now, so much healing is needed. All the healers are being called to action if they have a capacity to assist in this global transformation. I wish all of you the best this August. May you stay safe and loved in this heated time of the year.
~Suzanne Wagner~