Numerology/Astrology for 10/14/21
10/14/21 is the number = 11
Add the 1 + 0 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11.
The number 11 is associated with the archetype of Leonardo Da Vinci. He was a synthesizer of information. He had the ability to understand things on so many levels that he could pull bits and pieces of various sciences together and come up with new and original ideas.
This is the number of invention and progressive thinking.
When we look at the innovators in life, they are often perceived as odd and different.
It is their unique way of seeing the world that makes them into someone that is able to see past the obvious and into the small pieces that make up things.
They then can take those parts and rearrange then in insightful ways.
This is the number of visionaries and dreamers. It helps us to see past the projections that the society wants us to see and the rules that they want us to adhere to, so we can learn to embrace our hidden potential and embrace new possibilities.
Today, is a day to think about some unique and unusual things that can help the planet or this world
If this energy of the number 11 is impacting you in a negative way, you may feel ungrounded, flakey, and want to procrastinate. It can make us feel as if we are being bombarded with too many things.
When this number collapses, it becomes the number 2 and that leads to emotional instability, indulgences and taking things too far.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon in Aquarius, reaches out a friendly hand to all of us, giving us a desire for better equality and freedom. It engages in a social way and brings us towards a world in flux and a reality that is constantly re-creating itself.
The Moon will move in a more friendly way with Venus and Mercury today, supporting unique conversations and a deepening of interest in psychological principals that can help us navigate this ever-changing world.
Mercury and Neptune give an insight to what is happening in our world and begin to help us make sense of why things are happening the way they are at this time.
The Sun and Jupiter are moving towards a trine and while on one hand we want to give everyone a chance, we also want to be helpful to others.
Our energy moves towards a desire for greater cooperation. Something that we could all use.
~Suzanne Wagner~
There are moments when life takes a turn.
There are moments that we are required to learn.
But when we avoid telling the truth as it appears.
And instead embrace the conflict and fears.
Of others who do not care about what causes mayhem and tears.
Then joy dwindles and seems to disappear.
Within this life you can create something unique.
Embrace the unknown and create a life with mystique.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Yesterday evening and mama bear with three babies came to visit. We heard a ruckus outside around the garbage area, which is an area that is bear proofed for a good and obvious reason.
My husband and I both heard it at the same time and went outside, turning on the lights and shining a strong flashlight.
At the top of the hill was a mama bear and three babies. She made in interesting sound and those babies went up the tree like lightening.
So fast. Wow! They are great climbers.
We yelled at them so they would run away which they did.
But oh, those babies were so cute! I am sure they are a lot to handle. What a great and brave mom.
So here are to the moms in the world that get handed more than normal and yet somehow, keep going and making it through. The feminine has unbelievable power in this dimension.
This morning, the marine layer is just below the house. And is slowly retreating towards the ocean. I love watching the land, ocean, and air do their intimate dance.
It is wondrous to behold.
I wish for another cool day to enjoy and to feel into the fall season. And I wish all of you a great day. Never forget that we are all connected in this changing of the seasons.
We all experience the changes and patterns that life currently presents. But not all of us can learn to enjoy them.
Do your best to not numb out or distract yourself with meaningless things.
Instead listen, feel into, and allow for experiences to color your world.
A life filled with memories and nature is not a wasted one.
~Suzanne Wagner~