Numerology/Astrology for 10/18/2021
10/18/21 is the number = 15
Add the 1 + 0 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 15. 1 + 5 = 6.
The number 6 is about the pursuit of spiritual truths and the seeking of the inner perfection and expression of spiritual enlightenment.
I find that if in a number 6 day, I am feeling afraid or threatened, the best course of action is to sit still and be one with all that is.
I have tried other ways when I am triggered but they all end up backfiring and making me rush or get defensive.
Sometimes you just need to take some personal time and stop until that sense of calm returns and the mind becomes sane rather than reactive.
The journey for tolerance starts within us. We must learn to embrace all the aspects that we have judged, suppressed or rejected.
This is a number that often shows us where our minds have been locked in self-imposed cages of control and rigid conservative mindsets. We see where we have sold out ourselves to be accepted. Often, we care too much about the opinions of others and that is a cause of much suffering.
In a number 6 day, some of that concern and strain can fall away like the leaves of the trees at present.
Too often spiritual practices have tried to embrace the concept of transcending the complex emotions within humanity.
That can give permission to not feel emotions. But too often then we replace that honest expression of emotions for the tremendous task of upholding beliefs systems and the moral values of others instead.
Humanity does not need to be rescued. It needs to be embraced with all of its messy feelings, and complicated thoughts. When we understand our own nature, then can we help others in ways that have a lasting consequence.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
Finally, the Moon moves out of the emotional and deeply complex sign of Pisces as we are waking up this morning. Then it goes into the vigorous and fiery sign of Aries. As it does it will also have its ruling planet Mars trine Jupiter.
That is going to help our energy pick back up and give us the desire to take a few more things on. We want to feel different and freer. We want to make some new plans and push past those things that seem to stop us from taking risks.
Action is better than inaction.
Embracing life is better than falling into fear.
But both action and life take courage and a burning willpower to move us past previous patterns of restriction and constraint and into a goal-setting mindset.
Jupiter and Mercury go still in the sky, and prepare to go direct….finally.
Wait on any big expenditures or decisions. Too much is fluctuating.
Know that things will clear out shortly and all that “hurry up and wait” will go away.
As Jupiter shifts, confidence increases, and movement seems more directed and well-thought through. The one glitch is that problems may reveal themselves to be bigger and more problematic than previously seen.
Mercury also goes direct and that will help the communication snafus and bring things that seem stuck to be more resolute and clearer.
With so much changing, we might feel as if our thinking is all over the board. Know that there are still challenges and difficulties ahead. Directions seem complicated and while we are trying to understand, there are many things that just don’t yet have answers.
~Suzanne Wagner~
In many moments, I have had time stand still.
In the past, there were moments where I had my fill.
In the future, I expect to open more hearts.
In the infinite space of timelessness, I know we will all find our way home.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Today the weather shifts and the storms are coming in. Good news for the drought ridden lands of the Western States.
I think back to doing all the work with Don Americo Yabar from Peru and how he had been chosen by his teachers to be a bridge between the Quechua beliefs and traditions and to engage with the Western powers that had such an influence because of wealth and power.
The ancient peoples have tried to warn us for generations about this time that has finally come.
And I know so many who massively changed their personal behaviors and choices because of Hopi Prophesy, Mayan Calendar, teachings of ancient seers and seekers such as Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, the many movies, books and mythologies, and many others.
While I am grateful to all those who attempted to awaken, change, and make a difference in tangible ways …. here we stand at the brink of either a collapse, a breakthrough, or a moment that time and history will tell the tale to those that come after us.
And there is a sense of uncertainty as if all of us are peering into a void with no feeling of the familiar to guide us through this uncharted domain.
As an optimist (by nature), I believe that the universe knows better than we do what is yet to come. And I know for certain that all of us here at this time have been chosen to hold positions of energy for this monumental shift in consciousness.
All we have to do, is give the gift of our heart and listen to the promptings of our spirit.
While that sounds easy, it is often difficult to hear the soft whispers of our authentic self over the thrum of the ego as it jousts for position and power.
So here we are again.
In a great time of change.
All generations experience such moments of intensity. Each generation is burdened by terrible moments and moments that shape the course of mankind.
And this is ours.
I know what I am going to do with this brief and beautiful life.
I know what I am to support and attempt to bring forth.
I know what calls to my soul.
I hear the whispers and try to listen.
I wish everyone an amazing journey through this unique moment.
I hope to meet on the other side of this void and intend to have much to share with all of you.
I and excited to learn from your journeys as well.
~Suzanne Wagner~