Numerology/Astrology for 10/19/19
10/19/19 is the number 5. The leaves are tumbling down and it is time to rake and bag up those colorful pages of the summer. Have some fun while you are doing all the “earth” work. Being in this world and of this world is about appreciating those small things that bring joy. Leaping into piles of leaves seems just the right ticket for this time in history. Revelry and outrageous laughter is good for the soul. Celebrate the end of summer and the beginning of fall as we are consciously being moved out of the obvious and into the more subtle and sublime. As the world drops deeper into the land and the soil, give yourself permission to ground and become one with this earth that is our mother. Slow down. Cook things that are seasonally available. I believe that certain things are ready to be eaten at this time to give us the appropriate vitamins and minerals necessary to support our immune system. This is stew and soup time in the world. You want something warm and savory to give you strength and the fire to keep going.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon is in helpful, curious Gemini until breakfast time. Then it enters Cancer. The Cancer Moon makes you want to have a weekend of comfort and family. You recognize that everyone needs a little TLC and being together in fun and familiar patterns that help make homes safe and nurturing. Sometimes you don’t want something new. You want something those things from your childhood that remind you of simpler times. Those tastes and smells make life wonderful and expand that feeling of love outward.
Mercury sextile to Pluto is productive but intense. While you may want to get to the root of a problem, the present problems keeps coming back in irritating ways. Sometimes you have to keep digging and digging to get to the very bottom of the root of problems. Only when you have the entire root can you irradiate weeds that are toxic to your beautiful garden. You are being asked to look deeper into that inner darkness than ever before. You have to look at what you can do that will lead to better outcomes. And always keep in mind that if you cannot help others at least do not harm them.
You want to have conversations that are probing, investigative, and meaningful. You want some level of improvement and understanding. But all attempts seem to be thwarted and take tremendous effort. Mercury is looking still in the sky before it goes retrograde at the end of the month. Complications are bound to come up in this messy Scorpio Mercury Retrograde. Things buried below the surface are going to be revealed and it will not be pleasant.
Stay focused on what is really important to you. The Venus-Saturn sextile (which is exact tomorrow) will help you in realistic ways.
~Suzanne Wagner~
The leaves are tumbling down
And the colorful pages
of summer turn to dust and dirt.
What was, is now past.
While you may morn that passing
the times of stillness and reflection
are arriving to give you the permission
to read that book, to organize your home
and to cuddle with animals on the bed.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Every choice you make molds the future.
The future will never turn out the way you want.
The future is a co-creation between you and others.
Are you predicting the future from what you want
or from the trajectory of the truth in front of you?
Illusion serves the mindless.
Distortion serves the fearful.
What you draw into this world cannot be erased.
It will last forever, etched in time to your soul.
Resist lies with everything you’ve got.
You cannot be complacent and let anything pass
unchallenged at this time in history.
Aim to make what you have been given … better.
And then give that to everyone you know.
You cannot control the future.
You can control your mind that makes choices.
~Suzanne Wagner~