October 18, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 10/19/2021 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 18, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 10/19/2021

10/19/21 is the number = 16

Add the 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 16. 1 + 6 = 7.

The number 7 links the ideas of the mind with the actions of the physical body and our world. It is the number of rational thought that can manifest great things in our world. It is the process of taking an idea, breaking it down to the smaller pieces, and then organizing those bits into a sequence that can manifest that dream into a reality.
All forms of life require a particular sequence and structure. From the DNA all the way through to the more subtle patterns of behavior, likes, dislikes, and intentions.

Our normal days have a structure that we mostly adhere to. The time we wake up, the sequence that we do to get to work, what we prefer to eat, etc.
And in some moments, like today, we get a chance to re-evaluate those patterns and determine if they are in our best interests and if they support us in growth and evolution.

Life constantly requires change.
Life is about adaptation.
Those that cannot adjust to a changing environment are subject to extinction.

And in our present world, it is us that are being asked to adapt.

And we have many that are leaving this world for one reason or another. It is sad to see but we have to take charge of our reality and make new choices that will help us adapt to this changing world. While this is a strain on everyone, I believe that with knowledge, acceptance, and a willingness to take responsibility, we can make it through this moment.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

In the astrology, it is a simple day.
The Moon brings us a boldness and a desire for actions that align with our impulsive nature.

Venus and Uranus will quincunx. And while one is breaking up those things that used to give us comfort, the other is wanted to find a way to integrate the fact that we all need each other. There is a closeness and connection that mixes with our free-spirited nature giving us a sense that we are not alone in what we feel nor are we required to figure it all out for ourselves.
Confidence is not high and there is a feeling that just wants to walk away rather than even try to explain or make our point.

There is an underlying irritation that seems to be scratching in our mind, trying to get us to realize that something is just not quite right. But the details seem to evade our awareness.

~Suzanne Wagner~


I have watched fear take over a soul.

I have watched fear externally take a toll.

I have learned that what we fear on the inside.

Is what we are afraid to show and will often hide.

Arrogance is fear being hidden by the mind.

Arrogance is what makes souls unkind.

Arrogance intends to always be right.

Arrogance is always trying to pick a fight.

~Suzanne Wagner~


I think back on the many events of my life, and I recognize that while I tried to be fully present in those moments. I can also feel the anxiousness and trepidation that followed me throughout my youth.

I believe that so many things in life are inherited.

My mother was a premature baby, and she was the only baby of her birthweight to survive back then.
The only reason she survived was that the hospital got the first incubator one week before she was born.

I have noticed that with many adults or children that were premature, that circumstance causes anxiety that can follow them throughout their lives.

It is as if, something was happening emotionally and energetically when they needed to be born early. They knew that they were not ready. So new things seemed scarier to them than to those born at the proper time.

My mother spent her entire life with a severe anxiety disorder that manifested in every way possible.

While she was very loving and wonderfully affectionate as a mom, she also had a hard time with any forms of change.

And when there was anything new, she would first go into a panic, refuse to do those things, such as a trip, or a new experience. Eventually, she would come around, but it was difficult on all of us because of the emotional roller-coaster that it put us on.

When we would go camping, the weeks before any trip was extremely difficult for her, and she would be going back and forth about going and not going.
Once we got her on the road, she would be fine and she would enjoy herself.

But that anxiety that she constantly felt impacted myself and my sister.

It made my sister mad. She rejected my mother’s constant worry and concern.

I, unfortunately, picked some of it up. Her pattern allowed me to face my fears because I knew I did not want to have a life that looked like my mother’s constant worry and upset. Yet, it was a pattern that I felt inside even though on the outside I might seem to others as if I was a go-getter.

As maturity and hormones shift with age, I find myself calmer and more present.
It helps to have a very quiet lifestyle and to be on land in which nature rules and the tempos are followed that are within the rhythms and patterns of the seasons.

So, from this calmer place, I can still see the fear that compelled me to take risks that would help me find the confidence that I was going to need for this life.
And I can see how this life was a process to release the fear that I observed, the fear I had inherited, the fear of change that plagued my own mother, and the fear of things new.

Change is difficult for everyone. Some more than others.

Today, notice what you might have inherited from your own family. Then decide if that is really what you want to show the world or if there is some pattern that is asking you to break through.

Discovering who you are separate from the inherited traits of this DNA, is essential to becoming the truest expression of your heart in this life.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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